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JS Party JS Party #222

The Type Annotations proposal

2022-04-22T16:10:00Z #typescript +1 🎧 18,090

Daniel Rosenwasser and Ryan Cavanaugh from the TypeScript team at Microsoft join Nick and Boneskull to catch us up on the latest happening with the TypeScript project, including what’s exciting in the new 4.7 beta release. Then, we dive deep into the new, TC-39 stage 1 Type Annotations proposal, what it is, and what it means for the future of a not really typed JavaScript!

JS Party JS Party #221


2022-04-15T19:15:00Z #postgresql +2 🎧 18,777

Rasmus Porsager created Postgres.js –the fastest full-featured PostgreSQL client for Node.js and Deno. Today he joins Jerod for a deep-dive on Postgres, why he created this open source library, and how you can use it to build pg-backed JavaScript applications.

JS Party JS Party #217

Going full-time on Eleventy

2022-03-18T16:00:00Z #javascript +3 🎧 18,838

Zach Leatherman recently announced he will now be working on Eleventy – his simpler static site generator – while continuing to work at Netlify. What makes Eleventy special? How’d he convince Netlify to let him do this? What does this mean for the project’s future? How many questions in a row can we type into this textarea? Tune in to find out!

JS Party JS Party #216

Enabling performance-centric engineering orgs

2022-03-11T18:30:00Z #javascript +1 🎧 20,469

This week Amal and Nick are joined by Dan Shappir, a Performance Tech Lead at Next Insurance, to learn about enabling a performance-first mindset within your engineering org.

Dan recently left his 7+ year tenure leading performance at Wix where he and his team improved, and monitored the speed of millions of websites around the world.

Join us to learn how he lead a cultural transformation that propelled Wix sites to be faster than most other React apps in the wild - including ones built with frameworks like Next.js.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #482

Securing the open source supply chain

2022-03-01T22:00:00Z #infosec +3 🎧 51,431

This week we’re joined by the “mad scientist” himself, Feross Aboukhadijeh…and we’re talking about the launch of Socket — the next big thing in the fight to secure and protect the open source supply chain.

While working on the frontlines of open source, Feross and team have witnessed firsthand how supply chain attacks have swept across the software community and have damaged the trust in open source. Socket turns the problem of securing open source software on its head, and asks…“What if we assume all open source may be malicious?” So, they built a system that proactively detects indicators of compromised open source packages and brings awareness to teams in real-time. We cover the whys, the hows, and what’s next for this ambitious and very much needed project.

JS Party JS Party #212

A deep-dive on Vite

2022-02-11T17:00:00Z #vue +1 🎧 22,623

Amal and Nick load up on coffee for a not-so-vite (lame joke!) conversation with Evan You all about Vite – a batteries included next-generation frontend tooling library. Vite continues to push the ecosystem forward with even stronger defaults, super speedy local development workflows, and a highly extensible universal plugin API. Need we say more?!

JS Party JS Party #210

What's in your package.json?

2022-01-29T15:15:00Z #oss +4 🎧 22,171

Tobie Langel, Open source strategist and Principal at UnlockOpen, joins Chris, Feross, and Amal to discuss recent widespread incidents affecting the JavaScript community (and breaking CI builds) around the globe. Two widely used npm libraries were self-sabotaged by their single maintainer, yet again, highlighting the many gaps in our OSS supply chain security, sustainability and overall practices. We explore all these topics and solution on what our ecosystem needs to be more resilient to these types of attacks in the future.

JS Party JS Party #204

JavaScript will kill you in the Apocalypse

2021-12-03T17:00:00Z #javascript +2 🎧 19,158

Salma Alam-Naylor joins us this week to share her thesis that JavaScript is best in moderation, and is a liability when creating performant, resilient, and accessible web applications. Salma says we’re drunk on JavaScript, and it’s time we learn how to leverage this powerful web primitive to enhance our web experiences, alongside HTML and CSS, instead of purely relying on JavaScript to completely run the show.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #469

Shopify's vision for the future of commerce

2021-11-19T22:00:00Z #react +3 🎧 44,957

Today we’re joined by Ilya Grigorik to talk about Shopify’s developer preview release of Hydrogen and the preview release of Oxygen which is in early access preview with select merchants on Shopify. Hydrogen is their React framework for dynamic, contextual, and personalized e-commerce. And Oxygen is Shopify’s hosted V8 JavaScript worker runtime that leverages all of their platform with the hope of scaling millions of storefronts. We cover what developers can expect from the Hydrogen framework, Shopify’s big bet on React Server Components, the future of Shopify at scale with Hydrogen powered by Oxygen, and a world where merchants never have to think about the complexities of scaling infrastructure.

JS Party JS Party #202

Sophie is the bomb diggity

2021-11-19T20:00:00Z #javascript +2 🎧 17,449

This week we are joined by Sophie Alpert, Head of Engineering at Humu, and former lead of the React Core team, to discuss her experience on being a very early adopter, contributor, and eventually maintainer of React. In her 4+ years on the Core team, she went from supporting a new niche OSS UI library to supporting a project used by millions of developers around the world. Join us to hear about this epic journey, as well as Sophie’s thought’s on some common critiques and misconceptions of React.

JS Party JS Party #201

The inside story on React’s all new docs

2021-11-12T18:15:00Z #react +2 🎧 19,122

Rachel Nabors –beloved educator, animator, & documentation engineer at Meta– joins Amal and Amelia for a first look at the brand new React docs!

This massive overhaul to the React website (which supports 2 million+ developers around the world) was no easy feat! We dive into all the behind the scenes coordination, as well as the goals, wins, and intended outcomes of this new way of approaching educational content and API reference material for open source projects.

JS Party JS Party #200

Best of the fest! Volume 1

JS Party listeners and panelists celebrate our favorite moments from the past 100 episodes! You’ll hear from over 20 of your favorite voices across 14 episodes. We also share some behind-the-scenes and read/hear from listeners! Here’s to the last 200 episodes, and the next 200 as well. 🥂

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