The Open Source Pledge, a dead father "writes" again, PHP is the new JS, Laravel raises $57 million, a customizable select is in the workst & more

Changelog News

Developer news worth your OSS pledge

Jerod here! šŸ‘‹

A dear friend of mine fell prey to a post-acquisition layoff (alongside 30% of the company) and is looking for work. Heā€™s a super-solid Network Engineer (taught me a bunch) with decades of experience. Iā€™ll take any leads you might have, please hit reply!

Ok, letā€™s get into this weekā€™s news.

šŸ—Æļø Quote of the week

ā€œA blog is a Super Mario mushroom for your career.ā€ ā€“ Brad Woods

šŸŽ§ Simply the best pods for devs

šŸŖ© Undirected hyper arrows (Chris Shank)
šŸ’š Reverse rug pull, so cool? (Adam & Jerod)
ā° Home automation with Go (Ricardo Gerardi & Mike Riley)
šŸš€ Building Rawkode Academy (David Flanagan)
šŸ¤– Cybersecurity in the GenAI age (Dinis Cruz)
šŸŽ™ļø Building customizable ergonomic keyboards (Erez Zukerman)

šŸ„‡ Why GitHub actually won

Scott Chacon writes up his insiderā€™s take on why GitHub became the de facto code collaboration site. Hereā€™s the quick version:

I can boil it down to exactly two reasons that happened to resonate with each other at the perfect frequency.

  1. GitHub started at the right time
  2. GitHub had good taste

All four GitHub cofounders had flops both before and after GitHub. Chris and PJ couldnā€™t quite make FamSpam work before GitHub, Tom and I couldnā€™t quite make Chatterbug explode after GitHub. I think both of these ventures had good taste and great product, but it wasnā€™t the right place or time or market or whatever for them to become GitHub level.

One of the problems with success is that so much of it relies on timingā€¦ which is one of the big things we cannot control. What we can control, however, is what we decide to build:

We cared about the developer experience and had the creativity to throw away assumptions about what it was supposed to be and build how we wanted to work. Everyone else tried to build what they thought they could sell to advertisers or CTOs.

This strategy is commonplace today, but it was avant garde back in 2008. Definitely read Scottā€™s entire post of the full history lesson on what developer tooling looked like when GitHub entered the scene. It even includes super cool emails like this one from Chris Wanstrath in 2007:

Chris Wanstrath writes an email to Scott Chacon about GitHub before GitHub was a thing

āœŠ The Open Source Pledge

Chad Whitacre and our long-time sponsors/friends at Sentry have been leading the way on corporate open source support for awhile, now theyā€™ve created a pledge for other orgs to join them in putting their money where their source is:

Whether youā€™re a CEO, CFO, CTO, or just a dev, your company surely depends on Open Source software. Itā€™s time to pay the maintainersā€¦

Our companies feast at the Open Source table year after year. Through the Open Source Pledge, we pay the maintainers of the software we consume. This prevents the maintainer burnout that flares up in high-profile security incidents such as XZ, Log4j, and Heartbleed.

Send the link to decision makers in your org and join the growing list of member companies.

āš°ļø My dead father is ā€œwritingā€ me notes again

File this one under: ā€œAIā€¦ things are getting weirdā€

Benj Edwards used an image synthesis model to reproduce his late fatherā€™s handwriting. He fed it a bunch of journals his dad left behind and now ā€œpart of him will live on in a dynamic way that was impossible a decade ago.ā€ I have a feeling this is just the beginning of a trend that will end with people ā€œrecreatingā€ their dead loved ones almost entirely. Benjā€™s thoughts after accomplishing this goal:

The results astounded me and raised deep questions about ethics, the authenticity of media artifacts, and the personal meaning behind handwriting itself.

šŸ’° WarpStream lets you bring your own cloud

Thanks to WarpStream for sponsoring Changelog News

WarpStreamā€™s Bring Your Own Cloud (BYOC) deployment model for Kafka-compat data streaming gives you the best of both worlds between self-hosted & cloud. This model also give you a lot of zeros (thatā€™s a good thing)

Zero disks - WarpStreamā€™s Zero Disk Architecture eliminates local disks entirely and reduces storage costs by more than 24x.

Zero inter-zone networking fees - More than 80% of Kafka costs are not hardware ā€“ theyā€™re inter-zone networking fees. Because WarpStream runs on top of S3-compatible object storage & doesnā€™t manually replicate data between zones, those fees are completely eliminated.

Zero ops auto-scaling - WarpStream replaces stateful Kafka brokers with stateless Agents, so your team can skip the weekly burden of partition rebalancing, scaling headaches, volume management, capacity planning & more.

Hereā€™s a non-zero - WarpStream works in every cloud! They have native support for AWS S3, GCP GCS & Azure Blob Storage. It also works with any cloud or self-hosted solution that has an S3-compatible object storage.

Head to to learn more and get started for free.

šŸ‘€ Look out, kids: PHP is the new JavaScript

Dave Kiss explains the ā€œcurrent hype and tractionā€ that PHP is getting (mostly on X & a few YouTube channels):

But thereā€™s been a palpable shift in the air. You can sense it. People seemā€¦ excited about PHP.

What happened? Well. Laravel happened (and has been happening).

He goes on to build a trivial Laravel app (with help from Cursor) and sums up the experience:

Am I a convert? A newly-minted PHP Web Artisan? You bet your bottom $dollar I am. Depending on how critical you are of my AI coding approach, you might argue that Iā€™ve still literally never touched a Laravel application. But Iā€™ll tell ya what: Laravel makes PHP fun again. I am here for it. Maybe you should be, too.

šŸ¤‘ Laravel raises a $57 million Series A

Speaking of PHPā€¦ Taylor Otwell & the Laravel team have decided to take a BIG step with their wildly successful web framework.

Otwell is originally from Arkansas and early in his career worked at a trucking company as a programmer, where he was first exposed to open source. He still lives in Arkansas and, rather than a rip-roaring growth story, Otwell started Laravel as a personal project more than a decade ago, as he sought to build something he wanted.

Taylor didnā€™t just build something he wantedā€¦ he built something that has brought success to (hundreds of?) thousands of developers all around the world. Hereā€™s hoping he can navigate venture-funded open source as well as heā€™s done so far!

(This news dropped on September 5th, but somehow I missed it until after last weekā€™s issue šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø)

šŸŽžļø ā€œIā€™d rather be TypeScriptingā€

TFW you love TypeScript but PHP is paying the billsā€¦

Nick Nisi & KBall laugh with big text between them that says ā€œHave you been writing PHP again?ā€

šŸ¤² Going open source as a VC-backed company

Friend-of-the-log, Lucas da Costa, launched an open source offering alongside their VC-backed company (AGPL, open core) and did a wonderful job of laying out all of their thoughts & reasoning behind the (many) decisions they had to make.

My favorite bit is this one:

Finally, I want to make sure I address some things we will not do.

The first is to change our license.

An up-front, founder guarantee of no rug pull is a good thing. Only thing better might be some way of codifying/formalizing that guarantee so the company canā€™t change the licenseā€¦

šŸ›ļø A customizable select element is in the works

Did you know the WHATWG has placed a customizable version of the select element in Stage 2?! This will be huge! The proposal even has strong cross-browser interest and a prototype in Chrome Canary 130.

Selects get complicated pretty quickly, so Iā€™m impressed that theyā€™ve gone so far as providing ways of adding images inside the option elements, animating selection & more. When this ships in enough browsers for broad adoption, weā€™ll be able to delete soooo many dependencies around the world.

šŸ’° Building AI applications with Postgres

Thanks to Timescale for sponsoring Changelog News

Join our friends over at Timescale for a live webinar on the state of the union for developing AI applications in 2024 and why Postgres can save you time and headaches. This session will also include a Q&A so you can get your questions answered. Youā€™ll learn:

  • Why you should choose Postgres as your vector database
  • Types of AI apps you can build with Postgres: Search, RAG, Agents, Text to SQL (with live demos)
  • Must-know extensions for building AI applications with Postgres: pgvector, pgvectorscale & pgai

If you canā€™t make it, register here. Theyā€™ll send you the recording via email afterward.

šŸ“Š RedMonkā€™s latest language rankings

Despite PHPā€™s nerdy revival, JavaScript continues to reign supreme. Even more so when you factor in TypeScript at 6thā€¦

A line chart showing the top 20 language rankings starting in 2012 and ending in 2024. This one is tough to summarize, maybe click through and read the prose!

šŸ“ Even more good stuff

Thatā€™s the news for now, but we have some great episodes coming up this week:

Have a great week, forward this to a friend who might dig it & Iā€™ll talk to you again real soon. šŸ’š
