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Go is a programming language built to resemble a simplified version of the C programming language.
341 episodes
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Go Time Go Time #309


2024-03-26T20:15:00Z #go +1 🎧 12,688

In this episode Matt, Bill & Jon discuss various debugging techniques for use in both production and development. Bill explains why he doesn’t like his developers to use the debugger and how he prefers to only use techniques available in production. Matt expresses a few counterpoints based on his different experiences, and then the group goes over some techniques for debugging in production.

Go Time Go Time #301

Go Capture the Flag! 🚩

2024-01-31T16:30:00Z #go +2 🎧 12,764

Angelica is joined by Neil S Primmer & Benji Vesterby to share their experience organizing “Capture the Flag” at GopherCon 2023. CTF events involve teams vying for supremacy as they strive to gather digital flags (presented as strings) and successfully submit them to the competition organizers. In essence, it’s a thrilling “scavenger hunt for nerds.” Join us as we unravel the intricacies and excitement of this unique gaming experience!

Go Time Go Time #300

300 multiple choices

2024-01-23T21:30:00Z #go 🎧 12,782

Over the past 8 years, Go Time has published 300 episodes! In this episode, the panel discusses which ones they loved the most, some current stuff that’s in the works, what struggles the podcast has had & what we’re planning for the future.

Go Time Go Time #299

All about Kafka

2024-01-16T21:00:00Z #go +1 🎧 16,063

In this episode Matt joins Kris & Jon to discuss Kafka. During their discussion they cover topics like what problems Kafka helps solve, when a company should start considering Kafka, how throwing tech like Kafka at a problem won’t fix everything if there are underlying issues, complexities of using Kafka, managing payload schemas, and more.

Go Time Go Time #297

Event-driven systems & architecture

2023-11-14T22:05:00Z #go +1 🎧 27,678

Event-driven systems may not be the go-to solution for everyone because of the challenges they can add. While the system reacting to events published in other parts of the system seem elegant, some of the complexities they bring can be challenging. However, they do offer durability, autonomy & flexibility.

In this episode, we’ll define event-driven architecture, discuss the problems it solves, challenges it poses & potential solutions.

Go Time Go Time #296

Principles of simplicity

2023-11-08T13:15:00Z #go +1 🎧 18,148

Rob Pike says, “Simplicity is the art of hiding complexity.” If that’s true, what is simplicity in the context of writing software in Go? Is it even something we should strive for? Can software be too simple? Ian & Kris discuss with return guest sam boyer.

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