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Tooling and apps used to create and deliver awesome software.
31 episodes
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Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #588

Run Gleam run

2024-04-24T12:30:00Z #culture +1 🎧 15,235

This week we’re joined by Louis Pilfold, the creator of the Gleam programming language. For the uninitiated, Gleam is a functional programming language for building type-safe systems that compiles to Erlang and JavaScript and it’s written in Rust. We discuss the inspiration and development of Gleam, how it compares to other languages, where it shines, the overwhelming amount of support Louis is getting through GitHub sponsors, what’s next for Gleam and their near-term plans for a language server.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #580

Leading in the era of AI code intelligence

2024-02-28T22:00:00Z #ai +2 🎧 17,370

This week Adam is joined by Quinn Slack, CEO of Sourcegraph for a “2 years later” catch up from his last appearance on Founders Talk. This conversation is a real glimpse into what it takes to be CEO of Sourcegraph in an era when code intelligence is shifting more and more into the AI realm, how they’ve been driving towards this for years, the subtle human leveling up we’re all experiencing, the direction of Sourcegraph as a result — and Quinn also shares his order of operations when it comes to understanding the daily state of their growth.

Changelog & Friends Changelog & Friends #32

Brewing up something for work

2024-02-23T17:30:00Z #oss +2 🎧 18,239

Mike McQuaid, maintainer of Homebrew, and now CTO at Workbrew joins us to discuss open tabs, social media spam and distractions, TikTok’s addictive nature, Apple Vision Pro and its potential future, the maintenance of software, the swing back to old school web development, the value of telemetry in open source projects, Mike’s ongoing involvement in Homebrew and what they’re working on at Workbrew, Homebrew’s relationship with Apple, the importance of developer experience, and sooo much more.

Go Time Go Time #285

The tools we love

2023-07-19T15:00:00Z #go +1 🎧 18,306

The Go ecosystem has a hoard of tools and editors for Gophers to choose from and it can be difficult to find ones that are a good fit for each individual. In this episode, we discuss what tools and editors we’re using, the ones we wish existed, how we go about finding new ones, and why we sometimes choose to write our own tools.

Practical AI Practical AI #225

Controlled and compliant AI applications

2023-05-31T17:00:00Z #ai +2 🎧 27,943

You can’t build robust systems with inconsistent, unstructured text output from LLMs. Moreover, LLM integrations scare corporate lawyers, finance departments, and security professionals due to hallucinations, cost, lack of compliance (e.g., HIPAA), leaked IP/PII, and “injection” vulnerabilities.

In this episode, Chris interviews Daniel about his new company called Prediction Guard, which addresses these issues. They discuss some practical methodologies for getting consistent, structured output from compliant AI systems. These systems, driven by open access models and various kinds of LLM wrappers, can help you delight customers AND navigate the increasing restrictions on “GPT” models.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #531

Goodbye Atom. Hello Zed.

2023-03-15T14:00:00Z #tooling +1 🎧 33,219

This week we’re talking with Nathan Sobo about his next big thing. Nathan is known for his work on the Atom editor while at GitHub. But his work wasn’t finished when he left, so…he started Zed, a high-performance multiplayer editor that’s engineered for performance. And today, Nathan talks us through all the details.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #526

Git with your friends

2023-02-10T21:00:00Z #git +3 🎧 35,448

This week we invited our friend Mat Ryer to join us for some good conversation about some Git tooling that’s been on our radar. You may know Mat from Go Time and also Grafana’s Big Tent, which we help to produce. We speculate, we discuss, we laugh, and Mat even breaks into song a few times. It’s good fun.

Practical AI Practical AI #194

Evaluating models without test data

2022-09-20T19:20:00Z #ai +2 🎧 20,125

WeightWatcher, created by Charles Martin, is an open source diagnostic tool for analyzing Neural Networks without training or even test data! Charles joins us in this episode to discuss the tool and how it fills certain gaps in current model evaluation workflows. Along the way, we discuss statistical methods from physics and a variety of practical ways to modify your training runs.

Go Time Go Time #237

Go tooling ♻️

2022-07-07T18:30:00Z #go +1 🎧 19,971

We’re talking about the tools we use every day help us to be productive! This show will be a great introduction for those new to Go tooling, with some discussion around what we think of them after using some of them for many years.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #475

Making the ZFS file system

2022-01-18T20:30:00Z #oss +1 🎧 48,118

This week Matt Ahrens joins Adam to talk about ZFS. Matt co-founded the ZFS project at Sun Microsystems in 2001. And 20 years later Adam picked up ZFS for use in his home lab and loved it. So, he reached out to Matt and invited him on the show. They cover the origins of the file system, its journey from proprietary to open source, architecture choices like copy-on-write, the ins and outs of creating and managing ZFS, RAID-Z and RAID-Z expansion, and Matt even shares plans for ZFS in the cloud with ZFS object store.

Ship It! Ship It! #33

🎄 Merry Shipmas 🎁

2021-12-24T12:00:00Z #ops +2 🎧 10,082

Merry Shipmas! This is our special Christmas episode which sums up two months of very early mornings and a few late nights. After many twists and turns, stuff which didn’t work out, as well as pleasant surprises, this is what we ended up with:

  • 🎁 PR #395 - CI/CD Lego set with Guillaume de Rouville & Joel Longtine
  • 🎁 PR #396 - Continuous CPU profiling with Frederic Branczyk
  • 🎁 PR #399 - Auto-restoring Kubernetes clusters with Dan Mangum & Muvaffak Onuş

While we initially intended to have five Christmas presents in total, only three got delivered in time. We planned, worked hard and eventually shipped the best we could just in time for this special Christmas episode. Our hope is that the latest additions to our GitHub repository will help you just as much as they will help our 2022 setup.

🎄Merry Shipmas everyone! 🎄

Founders Talk Founders Talk #81

The future of code search

2021-10-20T19:00:00Z #startups +1 🎧 7,015

Today Adam is joined by Quinn Slack, CEO of Sourcegraph. He’s been tracking Sourcegraph for years now and knew one day they would hit Unicorn status, and that happened this year. They’re just off a massive $125M Series D funding round led by Andreessen Horowitz at a $2.625B valuation to bring code search to every developer. The future of code search has never been more clear and we’re excited to share today’s show with you.

Ship It! Ship It! #23

A universal deployment engine

2021-10-13T16:15:00Z #ops +2 🎧 6,644

In today’s episode, Gerhard is talking to Sam Alba, Docker’s first employee, and Solomon Hykes, the Docker co-founder. Together with Andrea Luzzardi, they are the creators of Dagger, a universal deployment engine that trades YAML for CUE, and uses Buildkit as the runtime.

Why? Because we should stop rewriting the same application deployment logic in scripts, makefiles or continuous delivery configuration. That’s right, this is the YAML vaccine that we have all been waiting for.

Gerhard believes that one day, Dagger will become just as meaningful for application delivery, as Docker is today for application code.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #451

Modern Unix tools

2021-07-31T01:00:00Z #cli +2 🎧 44,915

This week we’re talking with Nick Janetakis about modern unix tools, and the various commands, tooling, and ways we use the commmand line. Do you Bash or Zsh? Do you use cat or bat? What about man vs tldr? Today’s show is a deep dive into unix tools you know and love, or should know and maybe love.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #446

xbar puts anything in your macOS menu bar

2021-06-21T20:00:00Z #go +2 🎧 36,002

On this episode we’re talking with our good friend Mat Ryer whom you may know from the Go Time podcast. Mat created an awesome open source tool for putting just about anything in your Mac’s toolbar. It was originally written in Objective-C, but it just got a big rewrite in Go and abig rename from BitBar to xbar.

If you don’t use a Mac don’t hit skip on this episode quite yet! There are lessons to be learned for anyone interested in hacking on tools to make your life better. Plus, with this rewrite Mat has positioned xbar to go cross-platform, which we talk about as well.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #434

Restic has your backup

2021-04-02T19:45:00Z #oss +2 🎧 27,483

This week Alexander Neumann takes Jerod on a tour of Restic, the world-class backup solution that’s fast, secure, and cross-platform. We discuss why he created Restic in the first place, how (and why you should) you use it, some of its more interesting technical bits, lessons learned over the years building and maintaining a community, and more of course.

Practical AI Practical AI #111

Killer developer tools for machine learning

2020-11-09T17:00:00Z #ai +2 🎧 11,785

Weights & Biases is coming up with some awesome developer tools for AI practitioners! In this episode, Lukas Biewald describes how these tools were a direct result of pain points that he uncovered while working as an AI intern at OpenAI. He also shares his vision for the future of machine learning tooling and where he would like to see people level up tool-wise.

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