webbit: Evented HTTP, WebSocket server for Java and Clojure
Evented HTTP web apps are hot. Joe Walnes has created a Java spin on the idea with Webbit. Webbit makes it super simple to create a WebSocket server in just a few lines of Java:
public class HelloWebSockets implements WebSocketHandler {
int connectionCount;
public void onOpen(WebSocketConnection connection) {
connection.send("Hello! There are " + connectionCount + " other connections active");
public void onClose(WebSocketConnection connection) {
public void onMessage(WebSocketConnection connection, String message) {
connection.send(message.toUpperCase()); // echo back message in upper case
public static void main(String args) {
WebServer webServer = WebServers.createWebServer(8080)
.add("/hellowebsocket", new HelloWebSockets())
.add(new StaticFileHandler("/web"))
System.out.println("Server running at " + webServer.getUri());
Webbit isn’t just for Java folk. Jay Fields has a post demonstrating using Webbit in Clojure:
(ns server
(:require [clojure.contrib.json :as json]
[clojure.string :as s])
(:import [webbit WebServer WebServers WebSocketHandler]
[webbit.handler StaticFileHandler]))
(defn on-message [connection json-message]
(let [message (-> json-message json/read-json (get-in [:data :message]))]
(.send connection (json/json-str {:type "upcased" :message (s/upper-case message) }))))
(doto (WebServers/createWebServer 8080)
(.add "/websocket"
(proxy [WebSocketHandler] []
(onOpen [c] (println "opened" c))
(onClose [c] (println "closed" c))
(onMessage [c j] (on-message c j))))
(.add (StaticFileHandler. "."))
(println "server up")
Check out the Webbit Readme or the samples folder for more information. We’ll definitely be watching Webbit.
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