
Spotlight Artwork

Big announcements, conferences, the hallway track. We're in the trenches having awesome conversations with real people from the community.

This podcast is not in production. Please browse and enjoy the archive below.

Spotlight Spotlight #15

Apple's Fall 2018 Mac/iPad event

2018-10-30T20:13:26Z #apple +1 🎧 5,178

Adam, Jerod, and Tim get together to put a spotlight on Apple’s October 30th Mac/iPad event from a developer’s perspective. They cover the specs of the new MacBook Air and the viability of having it as a development machine, the new Mac Mini in the ever popular Space Gray, and whether or not Tim will be able to stop pulling his hair out to find an affordable, yet powerful desktop machine with it, and the gorgeous new iPad Pro.

Spotlight Spotlight #13

Node at Microsoft, ChakraCore, and VM Neutrality

2017-04-12T19:00:00Z #node +2 🎧 3,497

In this episode of The Future of Node series recorded at Node Interactive 2016 Adam talked with Gaurav Seth (Lead Program Manager of Chakra & TypeScript) and Arunesh Chandra (Program Manager of ChakraCore) about the backstory of Node at Microsoft, their polite fork of Node to introduce the community to ChakraCore (the high-performance JavaScript engine that powers Microsoft Edge), why Microsoft is so interested in Node, the future of Chakra and ChakraCore, VM neutrality, and more.

Spotlight Spotlight #12

Node.js Backstory and Future

2017-03-01T17:00:00Z #javascript +1 🎧 2,829

In this episode of The Future of Node series recorded at Node Interactive 2016 Adam talked with Mikeal Rogers about the backstory of Node over the past few years to get to where we are today. We talked about io.js (the fork of Node), what’s happened in the community and the code since that time frame, how The Node.js Foundation has helped to solidify the foundation on which the Node ecosystem is being built on, initiatives and focuses in the near future, and more.

Spotlight Spotlight #11

Node, IoT, and Robotics

2017-02-17T02:00:00Z #javascript +1 🎧 2,326

In this episode of The Future of Node series recorded at Node Interactive 2016 Adam talked with Rachel White, Technical Evangelist at Microsoft, about Node, IoT, robotics. We talked about making robots, inspiring developers to try new things, having fun as a developer, letting go of imposter syndrome, RFID implants, and making stuff for fun outside of our day to day jobs.

Spotlight Spotlight #10

How China does Node

2017-02-17T00:00:00Z 🎧 2,089

In this episode of The Future of Node series recorded at Node Interactive 2016 Adam talked with Shiya Luo about how China does Node, translations of documentation and books from English to Chinese, and the Great Firewall of China (a censorship and surveillance project of the Chinese government) which makes it very difficult for the people of China to interact with the rest of the web.

Spotlight Spotlight #9

The State of HTTP/2 in Node

2017-02-16T18:00:00Z 🎧 2,218

In this episode of The Future of Node series recorded at Node Interactive 2016 Adam talked with James Snell (IBM Technical Lead for Node and member of Node’s TSC and CTC) about the work he’s doing on Node’s implementation of http2, the state of http2 in Node, what this new spec has to offer, and what the Node community can expect from this new protocol.

Spotlight Spotlight #8

Conversational Development and Controversy

2017-01-30T17:00:00Z #oscon 🎧 2,174

In this episode of Spotlight recorded at OSCON London 2016, Jerod talked with Sid Sijbrandij (CEO of GitLab) who was recently on The Changelog discussing GitLab’s Master Plan and a new style of development they call “Conversational Development”, to talk about how they’re executing on that plan. We also discussed the recent controversy around GitLab and the removal (and subsequent reposting) of security research data. We enjoyed hearing how Sid turns everything in to an opportunity.

Spotlight Spotlight #7

Focused on a Safe and Inclusive Node Community

2017-01-24T21:00:00Z #javascript +1 🎧 1,795

In this episode of The Future of Node series recorded at Node Interactive 2016 Adam talked with Tracy Hinds, the Education Community Manager for the Node.js Foundation about the efforts being made towards a safer, inclusive community and their events, open source documentation and tooling for conferences, and everything in-between.

Spotlight Spotlight #6

Keeping Node Core Small

2017-01-11T19:00:00Z #javascript +1 🎧 2,021

In this episode of The Future of Node series recorded at Node Interactive 2016 Adam talked with Sam Roberts (Node Runtimes at IBM) and Thomas Watson (Node.js Lead at Opbeat) about “Small Core” and keeping Node Core small, what to put in, what to take out, how to deprecate and everything in-between.

Spotlight Spotlight #5

GitHub Product & GraphQL

2016-12-19T20:00:00Z #oscon 🎧 2,090

In this episode of Spotlight recorded at OSCON London 2016, Jerod talked with Coby Chapple, a product designer at GitHub (since 2012), about projects, transactional code reviews, and GraphQL. Coby drops a lot of knowledge bombs in this interview. You don’t want to miss this episode.

Spotlight Spotlight #4

Blockchain and Hyperledger

2016-12-16T23:00:00Z #blockchain +1 🎧 2,247

In this episode of Spotlight recorded at All Things Open 2016, Adam talked with Anna Derbakova from IBM after her jam packed talk on Blockchain and Hyperledger about the fundamentals of blockchain, how this technology is revolutionizing finance, banking, IoT, supply chains, manufacturing, and any other applications out there that can benefit from a “smart contract”, The Hyperledger Project, and the exciting opportunities that exist in the future for blockchains.

Spotlight Spotlight #3

The JS Foundation

2016-12-15T23:00:00Z #oscon 🎧 1,657

In this episode of Spotlight recorded at OSCON London 2016, Jerod talked with Kris Borchers about the launch of the JS Foundation right after their big announcement to learn about this new foundation and its mission for the JavaScript community and open source.

Spotlight Spotlight #2

Exercism and 99 Bottles of OOP

2016-12-09T16:00:00Z #oscon 🎧 1,830

Welcome to the first Spotlight series recorded at OSCON London 2016. Jerod talked with Katrina Owen, an accomplished speaker, creator of the excellent coding practice and feedback site,, and the co-author of 99 Bottles of OOP. Have you ever heard the story of how Katrina went from anonymous developer to sharing a byline with Sandi Metz? She shared all the details during this face-to-face chat.

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