quebert: A pluggable worker queue inspired by Beanstalk
It must be Video Games of the 80s week on The Changelog. First Asteroids then Space Invaders, and now Q*Bert.
Quebert from Brad Gessler aims to improve on async_observer by borrowing ideas from Resque and DelayedJob. Features include support for multiple backends (including Beanstalk), ActiveRecord integration, pluggable exception handling, and daemonization.
To create a job in Quebert, just inherit from Quebert::Job
class WackyMathWizard < Quebert::Job
def perform(*nums)
nums.inject(0){|sum, n| sum = sum + n}
Jobs can be dropped in a queue:
Quebert.backend.put WackyMathWizard, 1, 2, 3
… or enqueue themselves:
WackyMathWizard.enqueue 4, 5, 6
Jobs are then run through the familiar perform
Quebert.backend.reserve.perform # => 6
Quebert.backend.reserve.perform # => 15
Async call pattern
If the async call pattern is more your bag, Quebert does that, too. Just include the AsyncSender
module in your class:
class Greeter
include Quebert::AsyncSender
def initialize(name)
@name = name
def sleep_and_greet(time_of_day)
sleep 10000 # Sleeping, get it?
"Oh! Hi #{name}! Good #{time_of_day}."
def self.budweiser_greeting(name)
"waaazup #{name}!"
You can then call methods asynchronously with async_send
walmart_greeter = Greeter.new("Brad")
walmart_greeter.async_send(:sleep_and_greet, "morning")
Nifty. Be sure and check the README for advance usage including backend configuration.
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