Changelog & Friends

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Changelog & Friends is like putting the hallway track at your favorite tech conference on repeat

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Changelog & Friends Changelog & Friends #72

ShopTalk & Friends

2024-12-06T22:30:00Z #culture šŸŽ§ 21,654

Chris Coyier and Dave Rupert join Adam and Jerod for a ShopTalk & Friends conversation on the viability of the web, making content, ads to support that content, Codepenā€™s future plans, books, side quests, and social networks devaluing links.

Changelog & Friends Changelog & Friends #64

Developer (un)happiness

2024-10-04T19:00:00Z #culture šŸŽ§ 24,575

Abi Noda, co-founder and CEO at DX, joins the show to talk through data shared from the Stack Overflow 2024 Developer Survey, why devs are really unhappy, and what theyā€™re doing at DX to help orgs and teams to understand the metrics behind their developerā€™s happiness and productivity.

Changelog & Friends Changelog & Friends #55

From Chef to System Initiative

2024-08-03T14:00:00Z #oss +2 šŸŽ§ 33,618

Adam Jacob goes solo with Adam for an epic pod into his journey to get to System Initiative. From SysAdmin at 8 years old, to discovering Linux and working for Mom-and-pop ISPs, to open source changing his life and starting Opscode and building Chef. Buckle up. This is a different flavor of ā€œFriendsā€ for you. Enjoy.

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