super-nginx: nginix on steroids serves up async Lua apps
Ezra Zygmuntowicz, Engine Yard founder now at VMWare, has released a “killer build of nginx” that bundles seventeen popular nginx modules as well as Luajit, a just-in-time compiler for Lua.
Super-nginx bundles the following popular modules:
- an Nginx module that adds additional generic tools that module developers can use in their own modulesset-misc-nginx-module
- Various set_xxx directives added to nginx’s rewrite module (md5/sha1, sql/json quoting, and many more)ngx_http_auth_request_module
- Add HTTP auth to nginxecho-nginx-module
- An Nginx module for bringing the power of “echo”, “sleep”, “time” and more to Nginx’s config filememc-nginx-module
- An extended version of the standard memcached module that supports set, add, delete, and many more memcached commands.lua-nginx-module
Embed Lua into nginxsrcache-nginx-module
- Transparent subrequest-based caching layout for arbitrary nginx locations.drizzle-nginx-module
- wire up nginx to Drizzlerds-json-nginx-module
- An nginx output filter that formats Resty DBD Streams generated by ngx_drizzle and others to JSONnginx-eval-module
- A module for evaluating memcached or proxy response into variablexss-nginx-module
- Native support for cross-site scripting (XSS) in an nginxngx_http_upstream_keepalive
- Encrypt and decrpt nginx variablesform-input-nginx-module
- reads HTTP POST and PUT request body encoded in “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”, and parse the arguments in request body into nginx variables.headers-more-nginx-module
- Set, add, and clear arbitrary output headers in nginxredis2-nginx-module
- Nginx upstream module for the Redis 2.0 protocol
A nice complement to the built-in Redis and Drizzle support from the list above, Ezra has also included his own script to build Luajit, which allows you to use nginx as an evented Lua web server in the style of EventMachine or Node.js.
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