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2023-05-16T10:14:32Z ago

Syncthing is great I’ve been using it for a year or so and won’t be stopping. But it’s not really a Dropbox alternative, except for pure sync. For the full functionality of Dropbox I use Seafile - which is OSS and self hostable (it does need a central server).

Jerod Santo

Jerod Santo

Bennington, Nebraska

Jerod co-hosts The Changelog, crashes JS Party & takes out the trash (his old code) once in awhile.

2023-05-16T13:57:27Z ago

Very cool, hadn’t heard of Seafile. Do you use them in tandem or as two separate solutions to two separate problems?

2023-05-16T14:48:06Z ago

For separate things. There are some things I don’t want synced to my VPS, partly because of disk space. So Music and photos sync between my phone and workstation, business assets between my workstation and laptop with Syncthing. But with no central server it gets inconvenient if you turn one device off before turning another on - no sync can occur. And Android will shut down Syncthing on my phone and not allow it to run all the time, so that becomes essentially a manual sync. And that’s with running Syncthing on my VPS as an introducer. Still really useful but it works better with a central server or always on devices.

I’m thinking about replacing my current use of Unison (the Rsync front end) for syncing media files between my workstation and home server…but the automated nature of Syncthing means I won’t become aware of file corruption they way I would with Unison, so I’m not sure that’s a good idea.

Seafile is much more like Dropbox, with desktop apps and a web site you can log into, browse files etc, but everything syncs to the server as well as any synced devices. And lots of other functionality: cloud drive, private links to share documents with other people (who don’t have an account - handy for sharing folders of photos with family, work data etc) and bunch of stuff like a wiki and collaborative editing that I don’t use.

2023-05-16T14:21:58Z ago

I have been moving away from Google Drive to Syncthing and can confirm it just works. It turns out you can have the best of both worlds - control of your data with a FOSS solution with resiliency (put it on all your devices - linux, android, etc for many data copies, but clearly still take backups!) AND ease of use instead of needing to be your own sysadmin or giving up and feeding the data guzzling cloud masters.

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