Changelog Interviews – Episode #72

Vagrant and virtualized environments

with Mitchell Hashimoto

All Episodes

Wynn caught up with Mitchell Hashimoto from the Vagrant project to talk about virtualized environments, DevOps, and more.


Notes & Links

📝 Edit Notes

  • We’re now @TheChangelog on Twitter.
  • Mitchell Hashimoto from Vagrant.
  • Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments by providing automated creation and provisioning of virtual machines using Oracle’s VirtualBox.
  • Vagrant is currently a Ruby gem.
  • Mitchell uses Vagrant to test his Chef cookbooks, featured in Episode 0.3.8.
  • Travis CI uses Vagrant extensively.
  • Show Travis some love, tell ‘em to come on The Changelog.
  • Mitchell just returned from FOSDEM.
  • John Bender has helped out Mitchell with Vagrant.
  • VeeWee: the tool to easily build vagrant base boxes or KVM, VirtualBox, and Fusion images.


⌛️ Legacy Episode


This episode was published back before we had transcripts. Thanks for understanding! 💚

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