Practical AI – Episode #287

Pausing to think about scikit-learn & OpenAI o1

get Fully-Connected with Daniel & Chris

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Recently the company stewarding the open source library scikit-learn announced their seed funding. Also, OpenAI released “o1” with new behavior in which it pauses to “think” about complex tasks. Chris and Daniel take some time to do their own thinking about o1 and the contrast to the scikit-learn ecosystem, which has the goal to promote “data science that you own.”



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1 00:00 Welcome to Practical AI 00:37
2 00:48 Sponsor: Assembly AI 03:26
3 04:21 Filtering throigh the noise 06:13
4 10:33 Probabl seed funding 03:24
5 13:57 scikit-learn 03:54
6 18:01 Sponsor: 03:06
7 21:29 OpenAI o1 04:20
8 25:49 Latency vs reasoning 10:25
9 36:33 Sponsor: Speakeasy 00:53
10 37:30 o1's place in workflows 06:05
11 43:34 Probabl's manifesto 03:01
12 46:35 Learning resources 02:30
13 49:05 Outro 01:05


⏰ Coming Soon


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