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2020-05-24T11:13:09Z ago

Interesting note, I also liked the usage of emojis in the note itself :)
I would love your feedback on git commit message styleguide.

2020-05-24T22:04:59Z ago

Interesting take 💡
Your approach reminds me of conventional commits I accidentally came across some time but never studied in depth nor used.

For me personally, these rules would probably be a bit overkill. But I really like the point you are making about ideally fitting a commit to just one emoji or type. Plus, it’s really cool that there is already some tooling in place to facilitate and automate these workflows 🔨.

One thing I’m not sure I fully understood: are you using emoji encoded as their unicode characters or with a special markup syntax like :emoji: similar to Slack and then further process it with other tools?

2020-05-27T18:51:40Z ago

I didn’t know about “conventional commits”, thanks for sharing that.
As for emoji usage: we are using emoji with their markup syntax like :emoji:. The good thing about it is that it’s already supported by popular cloud git providers like Github, Gitlab, and Bitbucket when viewing the commit history. The bad thing about it is that it’s not supported by any terminal emulators that I know of - atleast not out of the box.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me :)

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