What's your backstory Adam?
We’re bringing Brain Science backstage — Mireille puts on her interviewer hat for a deep dive into Adam’s backstory. When and how did he get involved with podcasting? How did he get in to software development? When did he get his first shot at leadership? How did he learn about sales? Why is he so curious?
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Ronald Martin
Vernon B.C. Canada
Retired Chemical Technologist
2020-06-09T23:29:31Z ago
You talk of “hacking”. I’m not used to that term at all. I guess I’m lucky to say I’ve grown through the first LED calculator to the iPhone 6. My career as chemical technologist for Suncor Energy, spanned 3 decades. We were so busy keeping pace with technology and regulatory agencies that to hack something seemed ever so distant. If I see the meaning behind hacking as “work smarter, not harder”?
Sorry, maybe a little off topic, but It’s refreshing to hear intelligent conversations. I am enjoying the brain science behind both of your careers. Both of you have a great deal of pardon the expression “common sense” Sorry Adam programming “ or coding” these days seems very mainstream i.e I can’t even figure out my iPhone..
Mireille Reece, PsyD
2020-06-12T00:55:41Z ago
Thinker - thanks so much for your shared reflections! Yep - “hacking” is sort of an expression where you can get access to something in a round about or indirect way. It’s another way to reference finding other solutions or a work-around so to speak. :)
Ronald Martin
Vernon B.C. Canada
Retired Chemical Technologist
2020-06-12T10:00:44Z ago