Changelog Interviews – Episode #17
Open Source Publishing
with Geoffrey Grosenbach, Brandon Mathis, and Tim Caswell
Adam and Wynn caught up with Geoffrey Grosenbach, Brandon Mathis, and Tim Caswell to talk about publishing with open source tools, open blogging, and the back-to-the-future world of static site generators and database-less blogs.
Notes & Links
- Peepcode In-depth screencasts and tutorials
- Git Peepcode The best way to get up to speed with git
- About this Blog TopFunky’s blog stack
- Brandon’s Design blog
- Open Blogging Close to the source control metal blogging where article submissions are pull requests
- Fast-moving blog for Rails early adopters
- Octopress A blogging framework for hackers built on top of Jekyll, Compass, Sass, and Haml
- Tim’s open blog for how to learn Node.js
- Node Blog The blogging engine behind
- Nesta Neat dynamic blogging tool on top of Sinatra
- Webby Ruby tool for creating static web sites (or other text output)
- Blosxom PERL reminds us that none of these ideas are new
- RailsCamp “Imagine yourself and a posse of like-minded ruby hackers on a country retreat with zero internet for a weekend of fun.”
- Nanoc Awesome static site generator from Denis Defreyne that powers the upcoming Compass docs site
- haml-js Bringing Haml to JavaScript views
- RaphaelJS SVG graphs in JavaScript
- Fancy Buttons Brandon’s Compass plugin for making great looking buttons out of
tags - node-dirty A key value store for node.js that is simple, fast & dirty.
- TXJS Join us in Austin for an awesome JavaScript conference