Changelog Interviews – Episode #610

Leveling up JavaScript with Deno 2

featuring Ryan Dahl, creator of Node.js & Deno


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Jerod is joined by Ryan Dahl to discuss his second take on leveling up JavaScript developers all around the world. Jerod asks Ryan why not try to fix or fork Node instead of starting fresh, how Deno (the open source project) can avoid the all too common rug pull (not cool) scenario, what’s new in Deno 2 & their pragmatic decision to support npm, they talk JSR, they talk Deno KV & SQLite, they even talk about Ryan’s open letter to Oracle in an attempt to free the unused “JavaScript” trademark from the giant’s clutches.



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1 00:00 This is The Changelog 01:34
2 01:34 Sponsor: Assembly AI 02:21
3 03:56 Start the show! 00:21
4 04:16 Surprise celebrity 00:55
5 05:12 Deno 2 RC 01:10
6 06:21 Deno regrets 05:57
7 12:18 Why not fix Node? 05:18
8 17:35 Deno as a business 03:08
9 20:44 'No rug pull' clause 04:16
10 25:00 Sponsor: Socket 03:25
11 28:24 Sponsor: Supabase 02:48
12 31:12 Deno 2, what's new? 02:58
13 34:10 JSR: the JavaScript Registry 02:47
14 36:57 JSR for authors 02:19
15 39:16 JSR for end users 02:01
16 41:17 WE'LL DO IT LIVE! 03:58
17 45:15 Sponsor: Speakeasy 00:53
18 46:08 A super huge lift 01:13
19 47:21 A pragmatic decision 00:34
20 47:56 An exciting architecture 03:31
21 51:27 Serverless & WinterCG 01:08
22 52:35 The future of Deno KV 03:23
23 55:58 Embedding SQLite 01:44
24 57:42 In the works 01:38
25 59:19 Ry in/out of the weeds 02:10
26 1:01:30 Reorg considerations 01:12
27 1:02:42 Startup surprises 02:19
28 1:05:01 Dear Oracle 07:03
29 1:12:04 Closing time 00:25
30 1:12:29 Coming up next 02:42


⏰ Coming Soon


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