aruba - Cucumber steps for testing your command line apps
Terminal junkies rejoice! Now you can use Cucumber to test your command line interfaces just like you do for your web apps. Aruba from Cucumber creator Aslak Hellesøy provides familiar step definitions for testing output, exit statuses, and file system commands. Here’s an example feature file for testing exit statuses:
Feature: exit statuses
In order to specify expected exit statuses
As a developer using Cucumber
I want to use the "the exit status should be" step
Scenario: exit status of 0
When I run "ruby -h"
Then the exit status should be 0
Scenario: non-zero exit status
When I run "ruby -e 'exit 56'"
Then the exit status should be 56
Aruba provides the exit status step:
Then /^the exit status should be (\d+)$/ do |exit_status|
@last_exit_status.should == exit_status.to_i
To use Aruba just install the gem
sudo gem install aruba
and then require it in your env.rb
or any file under features/support
require 'aruba'
Check out the source on GitHub or the Cucumber homepage for more info.
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