Fivemat - better test output formatting for Ruby
Tim Pope is a first-balloter for any future Vim Hall of Fame so we’ll forgive him the pun on his latest project. Fivemat (which is better than format) aims for middle ground between nothing bot dots and a firehose of test output. With support for MiniTest, RSpec, and Cucumber, Fivemat provides dot summaries and failure output per file.
features/sign_in.feature ......F--........
no button with value or id or text 'Go' found (Capybara::ElementNotFound)
./features/step_definitions/web_steps.rb:53:in `/^I press "([^"]*)"$/'
./features/sign_in.feature:10:in `When I press "Log In"'
features/sign_out.feature .......
features/sign_up.feature ...............................................
Check the README on GitHub for configuration for your favorite Ruby testing framework. Also, if you’re new to this blog, be sure and listen to Episode 0.5.6, a classic in which Tim, Drew Neil, and Yehuda Katz school us on Vim.
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