htty: HTTP TTY, curl meets lynx in an HTTP console
We’ve covered a number of web console tools like Webshell, a nifty HTTP console for Node.js, and Twurl, the Twitter-specific tool for Ruby.
But when Nils Jonsson created an incredibly useful HTTP console with some old-school flair, we took notice. HTTY brings HTTP to a handy terminal shell in what Nils describes as a combination of curl and lynx.
HTTY is installed as a gem:
sudo gem install htty
You can then fire up the console with your API or web site endpoint:
$ htty
*** Welcome to htty , the HTTP TTY. Heck To The Yeah!>
To make a request, just use the get
*** Type cookies-u[se] to use cookies offered in the response
200 OK -- 10 headers* -- 27206-character body>
To see what we got back from the server, just use body
$ body
[{"repository":{"description":"(Mac OS) TVShows 2 "Phoenix" is the next iteration of the easiest way to download your favorite TV shows automatically.","has_issues":false,"homepage":"","fork":false,"has_downloads":true,"watchers":78,"pushed_at":"2010/08/16 14:39:36 -0700","url":"","private":false,"name":"TVShows","owner":"mattprice","forks":10,"has_wiki":false,"created_at":"2009/09/15 17:44:46 -0700","open_issues":7},"created_at":"2010/09/05 21:04:43 -0700","sha":null,"public":true,"actor":"pengwynn"
HTTY is incredibly well documented, and the help
command lists the full power of the console:
$ help
a[ddress] address Changes the address of the request
cd path Alias for pa[th-set]
fol[low] Changes the address of the request to the value
of the response's 'Location' header
fragment-c[lear] Alias for fragment-u[nset]
fragment-s[et] fragment Sets the fragment of the request's address
fragment-u[nset] Removes the fragment from the request's address
history Displays previous request-response activity in
this session
history-[verbose] Displays the details of previous request-response
activity in this session
ho[st-set] host Changes the host of the request's address
pa[th-set] path Changes the path of the request's address
por[t-set] port Changes the TCP port of the request's address
query-c[lear] Alias for query-unset-[all]
query-s[et] name value Sets a query string parameter in the request's
query-unset name Removes a query string parameter from the
request's address
query-unset-[all] Clears the query string of the request's address
r[euse] index Copies a previous request by the index number
shown in history
sc[heme-set] scheme Changes the scheme (protocol identifier) of the
request's address
userinfo-c[lear] Alias for userinfo-u[nset]
userinfo-s[et] userinfo Sets the userinfo of the request's address
userinfo-u[nset] Removes the userinfo from the request's address
Building Requests
body-c[lear] Alias for body-u[nset]
body-req[uest] Displays the body of the request
body-s[et] Sets the body of the request
body-u[nset] Clears the body of the request
cookie-a[dd] name [value] Alias for cookies-a[dd]
cookie-r[emove] name Alias for cookies-remove
cookies Displays the cookies of the request
cookies-a[dd] name [value] Adds a cookie to the request
cookies-c[lear] Alias for cookies-remove-[all]
cookies-remove name Removes from the request the last cookie having a
particular name
cookies-remove-[all] Removes all cookies from the request
cookies-u[se] Uses cookies offered in the response
header-s[et] name value Alias for headers-s[et]
header-u[nset] name Alias for headers-unset
headers-c[lear] Alias for headers-unset-[all]
headers-req[uest] Displays the headers of the request
headers-s[et] name value Sets a header of the request
headers-unset name Removes a header of the request
headers-unset-[all] Removes all headers from the request
Inspecting Responses
body[-response] Displays the body of the response
headers[-response] Displays the headers of the response
st[atus] Displays the status of the response
e[xit] Alias for qui[t]
hel[p] [command] Displays this help table, or help on the
specified command
qui[t] Quits htty
As many readers know, I’m a sucker for embedded humor, so I also got a chuckle from the exit message:
$ quit
*** Happy Trails To You!
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