Beverly Nelson

Wry brings to the command line

Ever wish you could keep tabs on your stream but hate the thought of having one more client to check? What if you could keep up right from your terminal window?

Rob Warner (@hoop33) (258)  You
I'm working on PM support for Wry this weekend :-) #wry
ID: 5557218 -- 2013-05-11T12:04:10Z

Wry is a command-line tool for Mac OS X 10.7+ that solves that problem by bringing to the command line. Installing Wry couldn’t be easier especially if you’re using homebrew.

First run this to make sure everything is up to date.

$ brew doctor

Next, simply type:

$ brew install wry

In seconds you’ll have Wry installed and can add authorization

$ wry authorize

Copy and paste your authorization code from the website and you’re done. Yes, it’s that simple. You can also download and install the zip file yourself.

Once it’s installed, type wry to see a list of supported commands.

The wry commands are:
   authorize   Authorize with
   block       Block a user
   commands    List available commands
   delete      Delete a post
   download    Download a file
   find        Finds users
   follow      Follow a user
   followers   List the users following a user
   following   List the users a user is following
   global      Display the global stream
   help        Display help
   ls          Get a file listing
   mentions    Display the mentions for a user
   mute        Mute a user
   muted       List the users that a user has muted
   post        Create a post
   posts       Display a user's posts
   read        Read a post
   replies     Display the replies to a post
   reply       Reply to a post
   repost      Repost a post
   search      Search for hashtag
   star        Star a post
   stream      Display the current user's stream
   unblock     Unblock a user
   unfollow    Unfollow a user
   unified     Display the current user's unified stream
   unmute      Unmute a user
   upload      Upload a file
   user        Display information about a user
   users       Manage the users you've authorized on this computer
   version     Display version information

The list of commands supported by Wry is impressive. After reaching out to Rob, to let him know how much I enjoyed using it, he told me that private messaging and patter room support was released with version 1.5. Just an added bonus to an already great tool.

Check out Wry on github and follow author Rob Warner (@hoop33) on or Twitter.

Special thanks to Dennis Keefe, writer of The Common Geek, for pointing it out.


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