Practical AI – Episode #275

Apple Intelligence & Advanced RAG

get Fully-Connected with Chris & Daniel

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Daniel & Chris engage in an impromptu discussion of the state of AI in the enterprise. Then they dive into the recent Apple Intelligence announcement to explore its implications. Finally, Daniel leads a deep dive into a new topic - Advanced RAG - covering everything you need to know to be practical & productive.



Neo4j – Is your code getting dragged down by JOINs and long query times? The problem might be your database…Try simplifying the complex with graphs. Stop asking relational databases to do more than they were made for. Graphs work well for use cases with lots of data connections like supply chain, fraud detection, real-time analytics, and genAI. With Neo4j, you can code in your favorite programming language and against any driver. Plus, it’s easy to integrate into your tech stack.

PlumbLow-code AI pipeline builder that helps you build complex AI pipelines fast. Easily create AI pipelines using their node-based editor. Iterate and deploy faster and more reliably than coding by hand, without sacrificing control.

Backblaze – Unlimited cloud backup for Macs, PCs, and businesses for just $99/year. Easily protect business data through a centrally managed admin. Protect all the data on your machines automatically. Easy to deploy across multiple workstations with various deployment options.

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1 00:00 Welcome to Practical AI
2 00:44 Sponsor: Neo4j
3 02:06 Staying fully connected
4 02:54 Our past predictions
5 03:59 Reality of adopting AI
6 06:14 Shifting roles
7 09:12 Realizing usability
8 11:39 Full stack AI development
9 13:27 Sponsor: Plumb
10 15:06 Apple Intellegence
11 20:01 Closed model concerns
12 24:09 Balancing privacy & performance
13 29:09 Sponsor: Backblaze
14 31:14 RAG pipelines
15 36:14 How to improve your RAG
16 40:00 Hybrid search
17 41:44 Re-ranking
18 43:57 It's been fun!
19 44:19 Outro


⏰ Coming Soon


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