Ship It! – Episode #109

How to build a Nushell

with Devyn Cairns & Jakub Žádník

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Devyn Cairns & Jakub Žádník join Justin & Autumn to talk about building a new kind of cross-platform shell that provides easy extensions with traditional command compatibility. That’s no easy feat!



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Notes & Links

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1 00:00 This is Ship It!
2 00:51 The opener
3 07:16 Sponsor: Sentry
4 11:03 What is Nushell?
5 12:00 Python vs Nushell
6 13:46 Built in Rust
7 15:26 Devyn's backstory
8 17:18 PowerShell data piping?
9 19:09 SimCity IRL?
10 19:50 Jakub's backstory
11 20:51 Justin's first Nushell experience
12 23:20 Bash in your shell
13 24:25 Calling commands
14 25:26 Cross-platform testing
15 27:36 Why Nu?
16 28:05 Making contributions
17 28:56 Jakub's PhD program
18 29:18 Contribution system
19 30:10 Core commands
20 31:38 Release process
21 33:28 Shadowing releases
22 36:07 Surprising usecases
23 39:46 User spread
24 43:07 Integrating external commands
25 44:13 Getting rid of Rust?
26 47:18 Thanks for joining us!
27 48:56 Sponsor: Neon
28 54:50 The closer
29 56:25 What the distro?
30 1:12:09 Outro


⏰ Coming Soon


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