Backstage ā€“ Episode #12

Why we're launching Changelog++

let us take you closer to the metal


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We first launched a membership back in 2013ā€¦ before they were cool! šŸ˜† Now weā€™re back with a brand new edition. Itā€™s called Changelog++ and we hope you love it. This episode of Backstage is a tell-all about the program. Why we think the timing is right, what we hope it can become, how weā€™re experimenting with ideas to make it great, and what you can do to get involved.


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So weā€™re here backstage, talking about Changelog++.

Uuh, ++ā€¦ What is that?

It sounds better. It sounds at least one better.

It sounds like it could be more than one better.

Itā€™s at least one, but it could be moreā€¦ And better than our last membership system, perhaps?

Lord, I hope soā€¦ [laughter] The last one was sort of embarrassing, honestly, which is why we stopped doing it, and then we even refunded peopleā€™s money. Okay, it wasnā€™t that embarrassing; it was just more like ā€“ it was more charity than it was you get something of value, and thatā€™s why it didnā€™t make sense to have it. Because these things need to have a good value exchange. We need to give the listener more than weā€™re giving elsewhere, and they canā€™t be the same thing that youā€™re getting for free, essentially.

And it was the early days of memberships - pre-Patreonā€¦

Yeah, it was pre-Patreon.

Pre-YouTube ā€“ well, YouTube existedā€¦

This is early days of Memberful.

Memberful, yeah.

It was even early days for that.

It was pre-Jerod on your team. It was right when I joined the team.

You had relaunchedā€¦ It must have been beginning of 2013, end of 2012 was when I got involvedā€¦

Yeah. Well, I had high hopes, man. I was hoping that our listening audience would be like ā€œYesā€, and theyā€™ll support all the things and that did not happen.

Right. And this was what was ā€“ maybe we need to say itā€™s a little bit embarrassingā€¦ This was when I saw it, and I thought ā€œHm, interestingā€¦ā€ - it was because it was something that we both know about youā€¦ The pure, romantic announcement ā€œMembers only. No ads. Weā€™re going full member-supported.ā€ Thatā€™s what the launch was, wasnā€™t it? Fully member supported.

It was. And I remember talking to you about the Members Only jacket even.

Which we could bring back nowā€¦ [laughs]

We could bring back nowā€¦ But it was cool, because I liked that ā€“ I suppose I liked the story; not so much the exclusivity, but more the story of like ā€œThis means enough to you, and clearly it means enough to us to do it, so letā€™s find alternate ways to sustain.ā€ And yeah, this was 2013, so way back, even before people were used to paying creators or their makers or their whatevers for that value exchange of something interesting, unique and creative, that served them some sort of value. And I think we had high hopes. I think it was early.

We probably could have kept going down that road and find ways to iterate, but I think it just hadnā€™t been proven yet, and been done by enough people to make it change the perception. You hear this on Shark Tank all the time, like ā€œYou know what - to market that thing, you have to change everybodyā€™s mind.ā€

ā€œThereā€™s a lot of education youā€™ve gotta do there.ā€

Exactly. A lot of dollars of marketing. And that was the hard part of that decision - we had to change a lot of minds on this perception of paying makers, paying creators.

Meanwhile, businesses were discovering that podcast advertising was very effective, and so that was kind of taking offā€¦

It was, yeah.

ā€¦and was a much easier sale, and it ended up being more sustainable. We would not have made it if we stayed members-only then, right?

[04:13] Yeah, definitely not. The difference in total revenue was just such a gap that itā€™s not even worth mentioning. Thereā€™s clearly an upside on the advertising model, and people know that. And whether or not itā€™s sustainable - I guess it depends. Luckily, weā€™re in tech, and tech seems to have a lot of dollars rolling around, no matter which side of the fence youā€™re onā€¦ So I think we were fortunate.

I tell everybody that knows me ā€“ itā€™s like ā€œYou podcast for a living?ā€ I donā€™t know if yo get this or not, Jerod, but like ā€œYou podcast for a living? How the heck do you do that?ā€ Well, now it makes more sense, but several years ago it was like ā€œReally? How do you make money?ā€ ā€œWell, adsā€¦ā€ But it wasnā€™t exactly like ā€œOh, just ads.ā€ We have relationships with these brands, and itā€™s just much, much different, and I think thatā€™s the approach.

If we had been in a podcast around real estate, it may not have been as sustainable. But because weā€™re around tech and software, itā€™s a different world and thereā€™s different kind of advertisers that want to be a part of what weā€™re doing. But I think our secret sauce there was just this different approach towards relationships, too.

Yes, but now we find ourselves full-circle, because here we areā€¦ Memberships.

So whatā€™s changed? I mean, Iā€™m asking you as if I donā€™t also know whatā€™s changed; I have a perspective on that. But from your perspective, why are we here now, back where we were in 2013? First of all, we should mention weā€™re not doing the all-in; weā€™re gonna stick with a hybrid approach, right?

But whatā€™s changed around us?

I think whatā€™s changed is this concept of listener-supported now to me is people want to support, and itā€™s almost like a way to call their place home even.


So that exchange is like buy-in. Itā€™s not begrudgingly, like ā€œOh, hereā€™s my X dollarsā€, itā€™s more like ā€œI want to give you thisā€, and weā€™ve never ā€“ because I guess of our PTSD of prior membership fails or however you wanna term that, because of that PTSD we had sort of resistedā€¦ And weā€™re even late coming to it, even though we were earlyā€¦ Because I suppose we didnā€™t wanna feel that pain, that embarrassment again. It was more like ā€œWe wanna wait until the opportunity is rightā€, but we have a lot of people who say ā€œIā€™d love to support your podcast.ā€ And now, because this way is normal, we donā€™t expect to take every ā€œfree listenerā€ and turn them into a paid listener. Thatā€™s not the deal here.

The deal is meant to be options. There are people who want more, care a ton, are willing to hand over a few dollars in exchange for that, and weā€™re more than willing to have more fun. This is a lot of fun, and to me, this is an experimental thing that lets us have more fun, find more ways to even give our free listeners even more bonuses, tooā€¦ Because everythingā€™s gonna get upgraded, because weā€™re doing more cool things. So to me itā€™s just like, youā€™ve got listeners who wanna support, and weā€™ve never given them an outlet or an opportunity to, considering our prior membership flounders.

Right. Weā€™ve been asked many times ā€œHow can I support you, how can I help you guys?ā€, and historically, all we could say is ā€œTell your friends. Listen to the show. Thatā€™s enough for us.ā€ People say ā€œCan I at least donate? Do you have a Donate button? Can I buy your merch?ā€ No, you canā€™t buy our merch; weā€™re working on that. You can buy our merch here, soonā€¦ You can buy it right now, technically, but you have to find the URL. Weā€™ll be talking more about merch here soon, but there just wasnā€™t any sort of avenue for that. So this provides an avenue in a way thatā€™s additive; it provides value back.

[08:15] Weā€™ve never been ones out begging bread, asking ā€œPlease keep this thing going. We need you to survive.ā€ We thought this is a thing where weā€™re providing for others, not asking for provision. So if we canā€™t find a way of making it sustainable, weā€™re not gonna just rely solely on thatā€¦ So Changelog++ is not us saying ā€œWe need your help. Keep Changelog alive. Join Changelog++.ā€

Like Wikipedia, for example.

Right. Jimmy Wales. That being said, there is a need to, we believe, diversify the way that we do make money, because of changes in the podcasting industry that are going on around us. Nothing super-scary from where weā€™re sitting, but itā€™s definitely changing. Itā€™s maturing. You see a lot of bigger players, thereā€™s big moves for exclusivity going on. Spotify is buying up a bunch of podcasts and building an ad networkā€¦

So we see that the way that people acquire podcast advertisements is gonna start to move away from the way that we do them, which is, like you said, long-term tightly woven, powerful relationships, and itā€™s starting to become a little more transactional, which could have implications on smaller players like us. When you can just go to a dashboard and spend your ad budget through Spotifyā€™s dashboard, it makes working tightly with small indies like us less attractive, even though we think thereā€™s more bang for the buck when you do thatā€¦ But things are changing slightly around us, and having an alternate means of income is not a bad idea either.

Yeah. The way that ad dollars are being changed ā€“ Spotify is doing for podcast advertising what Google had done for text-based ads, AdWords.

Or theyā€™re trying to, yeah.

Yeah, thatā€™s their hope, at least. And if they succeed, then that does mean that our relationship, whether we like it or not ā€“ it doesnā€™t matter if weā€™re the best people ever, somethingā€™s gonna change there. And yeah, this is definitely something to diversify that.

Itā€™s also establishing that 1,000 true fans kind of thingā€¦ Because I could be hopeful and hope for 10,000-15,000 people to become Changelog++ members, thatā€™d be awesome, but I think if it was just 1,000 or several thousand Iā€™d be happy with that. And thatā€™s cool, because the folks who are doing that are clearly a unique fan, willing to exchange dollars, and that says a lot.

Mm-hm. Also, our style of listeners are probably more ad-adverse than a typical human, donā€™t you think?


We talk about that a lot on our shows, as things grow up, even though open source, how that is only icky if you do it ickyā€¦ Like, marketing or sales is really just providing value and just showing people that value, and either convincing them of it, or just showing it to themā€¦ But a lot of the real either not good or insincere marketing that goes on is very unattractive, and lack of sincerity is something that I donā€™t appreciate, and I think a lot of our community also doesnā€™tā€¦ So I think an ad-free offering for those who do want a more direct relationship, but really is just sick of the ads - why not give that option? Why not?

[12:23] Well, the reason why not is because it was gonna be a lot of workā€¦ That was the reason why not. So we were talking about how weā€™re kind of late at this pointā€¦ We had been thinking about rebooting the membership program for a while, but weā€™ve just prioritized other things. And a lot of that just has to do with the effort involved, donā€™t you think? Did you have other reservations besides pulling it together? Weā€™ve had a notion card for over a year with details on how we would do thisā€¦

[unintelligible 00:12:51.18]

Yes, we probably pulled it over from Trello. Itā€™s probably been a few yearsā€¦ Weā€™ve had the name Changelog++ for at least a yearā€¦ So far back that we canā€™t remember which one of us came up with itā€¦

We think it was you thoughā€¦

[whispering] It was meā€¦

It was Jerod.


But as soon as I heard it, I was like ā€œYES!ā€ So Iā€™m dove-tailing into his naming, because I would have named it that had I been thinking about it.

Well, itā€™s an obvious, nerdy nameā€¦ Plus everybody was doing the Plus thing: Apple TV Plus, Disney Plusā€¦ Itā€™s like, ā€œWell, we can one-up that, and use the increment operator. Boom.ā€

And also, a lot of things begin with the right name.

What was it before ā€“ was it Listener Supported? What was the cardā€™s name again?

Which one?

The card in notionā€“

Oh, Paid Supporters. We kept talking about supporters.

Yeah, Paid Supporters. Exactly. So going back to how we frame things - we didnā€™t want to be like ā€œHey, support us.ā€ When we did this, we wanted it to be something where we literally said ā€œHey, hereā€™s something so valuable that weā€™re not asking you to support us, weā€™re asking you to enjoy this viable thing. And thereā€™s a cost associated, because there is extra time behind the scenes to make that possible.ā€ Production time, effort, thought timeā€¦ The magnitude of hours across the shows we do. So there is a time, effort, value exchanged there into producing it. We wanted to deliver something that was of actual value, not just like ā€œHey, paid supporters.ā€ So I think it comes down to the right name, tooā€¦

It gets you excited.

ā€¦because once youā€™ve got that nameā€¦

And who doesnā€™t wanna make something called Changelog++? Thatā€™s cool. Itā€™s cool to listen to as well, by the way.

Especially once you realize that thereā€™s no problem with URL encodingā€¦ We can actually just use the plus symbols in our web page URL, and not have to do any sort of weird encodingsā€¦ Itā€™s like, thatā€™s a sweet URL, /++.

Yeah, that was. Even when we finally got there, we were like ā€œWill ++ work as a segment in the URL? Let me try.ā€ And then a minute later like ā€œYes, this works. Itā€™s no problem at all. Letā€™s do it.ā€

Plus, we also use the spelled out version for people who arenā€™t quite sureā€¦

Right. So if you do ā€œplusā€ twice, or just plusplus, either goes to the right place.

Got you covered. Got you covered.

Yeah. Which is good.

So yeah, the biggest hold-up for us was really just priorities and bandwidth, and thinking about all that we had to build in order to launch it on our websiteā€¦ Which kind of leads us to the way that weā€™re launching it, which is somebody elseā€™s website, right? [laughter]

Yeahā€¦ Thank you, Supercast.

Well, one, we like a good competition. Competing is fun. Easy buttons are fun to pushā€¦ I mean, I prefer an Easy button than a Hard button. I guess it dependsā€¦ Going back to the conversation I just had with Jeff Sheldon on Founders Talk, which is on the feed, by the way, so check it outā€¦ He talked about the long, hard road. So he might not say the Easy button is fun to push.

[15:56] In this case, Iā€™m enjoying pushing the Easy button because itā€™s about experimentation. We donā€™t know - like Jerod said, weā€™re not all-in on this. We think itā€™s a great idea, we think weā€™re on to something right here, especially given the things weā€™ve expressed, which is like another avenue for our listeners to support and enjoyā€¦


So this lets us try it in a way that makes the tech a little easier; it gets us into a competition, which weā€™ll explain a bit more here in a bitā€¦ And just lets it be something like ā€œWe can try this out. You can try this out.ā€ Literally, we give a trial for it too, so everybody who signs up gets a 30-day trial. We want you to try it and love it. If you donā€™t love it, then let us know, because we want you to love it. We want it to be awesome. So that 30-day trial of Plus is not even that expensive, soā€¦ Pretty easy.

So weā€™re launching on Supercastā€¦ And as I said, the industry is changing; thereā€™s a lot of startups and toolings, and the anchors of the world, the transistors, the firesides, thereā€™s hosting providers now, thereā€™s ad agencies for podcastersā€¦

Booking agenciesā€¦

Thereā€™s PR firms that are like ā€œGive us your bio and weā€™ll get you on podcastsā€¦ā€, which are the bane of our inboxes at timesā€¦ And thereā€™s Supercast, which is a new service, about a year old now, thatā€™s providing tooling for podcasters to run memberships around their podcasts. And we did find them because theyā€™re running a competition, and as Adam said, who doesnā€™t love a good competitionā€¦ So we get a chance, if we can make Changelog++ a success in the first six months through the end of the year, weā€™ve got a chance at some promotion from them and some goodiesā€¦ So we thought ā€œWell, thatā€™s interesting.ā€ Thatā€™s what actually caught our eye.

And then we went and looked at the tech, and we were like ā€œThis does do a lot of the things that we would have to buildā€¦ā€, which admittedly is not tons of infrastructure, but itā€™s all there and ready to use. And then we hopped on a Zoom with them, and thatā€™s probably what convinced me that this was a company that we wanna do business withā€¦ It was because they kind of rolled out the red carpet for us, and we had a call with one of their head engineers, their main sales lead, James, and the CEO also hopped on and spent a half hour or ninety minutes with usā€¦ Which was awesome, and we just felt like ā€œOkay, these people really do care.ā€ So we decided to give it a shot.

So yes, when you click on the ++ logo in our nav, or when you go to, right now weā€™re just redirecting you over to Thatā€™s where our landing page lives, which is a bit barebones, but thatā€™s one of the reasons whyā€¦ And thatā€™s where the membership lives, and thatā€™s where the private feed lives etc. For now.

Yeah, I was surprised by the appearance of their CEO on the rollout. Surprised and impressedā€¦ And I agree, thatā€™s something that ā€“ you know, they were pitching us.

[unintelligible 00:19:19.20]

Well, weā€™re relationship people. Thatā€™s how we would have done it, right?

Right, exactly. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m trying to get at to the audience. It wasnā€™t a pitch. I donā€™t believe that all those people came on the call as a means to a pitch. They came on as a means of support. Like ā€œHey, who are you? What are your goals? What are you trying to do? How can we be of service, essentially?ā€ And they spent necessary time answering our questions, going through all the things; we werenā€™t rushed. And I really appreciate that. Thatā€™s exactly how we would do things, and if youā€™re listening to this, thatā€™s the kind of stuff that works. Thatā€™s the kind of sales that works. Non-sales sales.

[20:04] Not only that, but they actually made changes to their platform quickly to get us on board. So we started these conversations early July - it might have been before the 4th, or maybe right after the 4th; I canā€™t recall. And as you may know, we have our own custom platform, weā€™ve invested in that over the years, and we have our workflow, and everything is pretty streamlines the way that we do what we doā€¦ And the last thing we wanted to do was double all of our efforts; so weā€™ve made that clear to them, that if we had to put all of our episodes in our own CMS and then double all of that - the show notes, the title etc. over into their side for every episodeā€¦ We ship about five episodes a week, and thatā€™s kind of a non-starter for us. So they built some tooling, and theyā€™ve improved some stuff that already existed, and allowed us to do it very simplyā€¦ And that was awesome. They moved very fast. Within a week and a half it was all ready to rock. So thatā€™s cool. Very exciting.

That being said, this is an experiment, and there are limitations on Supercast, and so our plan is to be there for six months, do a retrospective, and then if itā€™s something that we wanna continue to build and invest in, we will be building Changelog++ into directly, at which point it will unlock all sorts of cooler features. The one thatā€™s guaranteed if we do that, and the most exciting, is completely custom feeds, where you can build up exactly what you wanna listen to out of our catalog, whether itā€™s certain topics, certain shows, certain peopleā€¦ Maybe you like to listen to JS Party, but not when Iā€™m on itā€¦

[laughs] Yeah, theyā€™re not gonna filter you out, broā€¦


ā€¦but they could though, which is the important thing.


The cool thing too was that when we asked them about those changes even to their tech, they ā€“ not so much even that, but they were gracious enough to not be offended when we said ā€œWeā€™ve done things custom so farā€¦ā€, we even explained it, not that weā€™re using them, but this is a launching opportunity for us, so we may not be long-term Supercast usersā€¦ They werenā€™t offended. They didnā€™t even turn off because of that; they werenā€™t offended, by any means. In fact, they were like ā€œThatā€™s awesome. Use us to launch. Thatā€™s great.ā€

I think it takes a lot of confidence and maturity for a company to say ā€œYou know what - itā€™s totally normal, and we would hope that some of our customers outgrow usā€, you know?

Yeah. Which shows that they seem to have this long-term play trajectory too, and I think that comes from ā€“ and this is just what we know of, or at least what I know of, the behind-the-scenes of Supercast. Andrew Wilkinson - you may have heard him on Founders Talk before, and not just there, but because heā€™s got Tiny Capital, Tiny Company; he was the original creator of Metalab, a well-known design agency out of Canadaā€¦ Well-established and well-credentialed person.

The Metalab stuff was awesome.

Yeah, definitely. Everything they did was amazing.

It was just like eye candy.

Theyā€™re known in the Tumblr space, they bought Dribble recentlyā€¦ But not just bought, but invested in. And I think the moves Andrew has made in the businesses heā€™s been a part of and/or invested in as a part of Tiny, have been strategic and smart. And because of that, I also felt like ā€œOkay, thatā€™s whoā€™s behind this. This is somebodyā€™s brainchild that was involved with Andrew.ā€ We talked to Jason the CEO that day, and heā€™d kind of given us a little bit of the behind-the-scenesā€¦ So maybe on a future Founders Talk we might go deeper with Andrew, we might go deeper with Jason, who knowsā€¦ But the gist of the story though is people who truly care about the future of creators were behind this, so that gave me even more good feeling about this move for us to give it a try.

[24:09] Itā€™s really akin to Substack, but for podcastersā€¦ You know, what Substack is doing for writers, Supercast is trying to do for podcasters. Now, I do know that Substack also has some podcasting tools, because writers also wanna podcast, so maybe they become competitorsā€¦ But I feel like they have the same spirit, which is really providing a platform for indies to stay indie. Go indie and stay indie.

Yeah. You know, without giving away too much, to speak to the sustainability opportunity for different podcasts, whether itā€™s an individual show, or more of a network like we are - weā€™re portraying ourselves to be more of a portfolio network - it doesnā€™t take a ton of paid members to sustain that thing. It could be as little as 500 to 1,000, it could be as much as 2,000 to 5,000. So the opportunity for us to diversify, and I would say more secure ourselves against things like Covid and coronavirus with the world, and how things have changed monetarily. We have lost money this year as a part of thisā€¦ And I guess not enough to make it suck, to make it not okayā€¦ So this definitely opened our eyes too to be likeā€“

[laughs] It still sucked.

Yeah, definitely; I mean, anytime you lose money, it sucks. Iā€™m trying to be not so dramatic about it, I supposeā€¦

Yeah. Weā€™re fine.

ā€¦it opened our eyes to a need that ā€“ you know, it would be nice to give our loyal listeners that wantedā€¦ They already want this kind of thing, they enjoy this exchange with the creator and the opportunity.. And that combined with Supercast - their graciousness to change their platform and take ideasā€¦ I mean, if you want, you can speak to some specifics, but there were some specific ideas you had given them, Jerod, that changed the way they did importing, and stuff like thatā€¦ That was cool, that riffing. Itā€™s like creators riffing, even.


Thatā€™s what I love so much about being a creator - whether itā€™s software, or a podcast, or anything elseā€¦ That collaboration is just so much fun.

Totally. Yeah, itā€™s fun being involved at this level as well; kind of in the startup level. Iā€™ve been on the Plausible Analytics issue tracker, Iā€™ve just been watching Uku and the gang working on Plausible as we are now customersā€¦ If youā€™ve listened to that episode of the Changelog, you know what weā€™re talking about. If not, weā€™ll throw a link in the show notes if youā€™re interested.

Itā€™s fun to just be a part of Plausible. The system is small enough I can understand the code, the team is small enough that I can have a sayā€¦ Not that I have ā€“ I donā€™t even know if Iā€™ve even said anything yet; Iā€™m just watching the issues, and like ā€œOh, thatā€™s coolā€, and then I go and see him close things, and I go to my dashboard and see whatā€™s changed. Itā€™s just fun at that level, and itā€™s been like that with Supercast, where itā€™s like theyā€™ll email us like ā€œHey, reload the page. Itā€™s different now.ā€

Yeah, exactly.

Awesome. Thatā€™s cool.

Instant feedback, instant gratification evenā€¦ The whole ā€“ it just reminds me of the way bands orchestrate themselves. You get the lead singer who jumps over to this band and does a cameo, or something like thatā€¦ Itā€™s fun to just make together. Thatā€™s just a lot of fun.

Yeah. So weā€™ll say it again, weā€™re at the experiment phase. We can talk about what Changelog++ is today, and then we can talk about some of our ideas; not necessarily where itā€™s going to be in the future, but things that we would like to do with it if it proves successful. Today itā€™s basically an ad-free version of the Master feed. Thereā€™s more there, but thatā€™s the gist of it. So imagine our shows ā€“ you know we have transitionary, awesome BMC beats in between our spoken content and our ads. Well, the music is still there, itā€™s just the ads are gone. And then you came up with ā€œMake the ads disappear.ā€ Thatā€™s basically what you do when you join Changelog++, you make the ads disappear.

[28:16] We didnā€™t stop there though, because our main ad, the one thatā€™s probably burned into your ā€“ whatā€™s the ear version of a retina? Burned into your earlobesā€¦ No, thatā€™s not the love. Eardrum? I donā€™t knowā€¦

Your earholes. Just keep it simple.

Yesā€¦ Itā€™s the part of pre-roll.

Did you know that our bandwidth is provided by Fastlyā€¦?


ā€¦and weā€™re hosted on Linode cloud servers? Of course you doā€¦

But we move fast and fix things because of Rollbar, too. You canā€™t forget that.

Thatā€™s right. Of course you know that, because those three partners have been with us for a long timeā€¦

ā€¦and we love that.

ā€¦and our pre-roll has been exactly that eight-second spot for a long time. And even that gets disappeared. But we thought instead of just making it disappear, since itā€™s at the top of every show, what we should do is replace it with some really cool BMC sound. So we turned to Breakmaster Cylinder and said ā€œMake us a really cool sound, basically, that we could put in the spot of the partner pre-roll for our Changelog++ peoples.ā€ Anytime you tell BMC, ā€œHey, make us a really cool soundā€, thereā€™s a lot of sounds that come out of that, right?

Oh, yeahā€¦

And also ā€“ have we ever talked about the file names, how Breakmaster Cylinder names their files?

No, I donā€™t think so. Not publicly at least.

Not sure if I should name that publicly. I donā€™t think thatā€™s exposing too muchā€¦ Letā€™s just say theyā€™re crazy file names.

They always have unique names, and theyā€™re not direct, but they also do make sense. Itā€™s really interesting how they do naming.

Right. Let me give you a couple of examples from our Stings folder hereā€¦ We have CloudLevelStartReverbAlteration.wav, GlitchWoosh.wav, CurbyPew.wav, CurbyPewPewPewPewPew.wav, KungFuSendOffEndingReverb.wavā€¦

Oh, yesā€¦

MetaManWithEnding, MetaManLoop, PregaManALittleFaster, TadaBassyWayBetter.wav, Waltz01Shortest, Waltz01NotAsShort, Waltz03SortOfOnTheLongerSideIfIHadToPinItDown and Waltz04Long. So half of my fun is just reading the file names that BMC comes up with for all these little soundsā€¦

Yeah. The WayBassier one was funny, because I was like ā€œIt needs more bass.ā€

It needs to be bassier.

It needs those 808s, BMCā€¦ So that was bassier.

The one we came up with, which is our new Changelog++ exclusive stinger (or sting; I donā€™t know, Iā€™m not an audio nut) is called YouFoundASecretCoin.wav. And it sounds like this. [jingle 00:31:10.17] Who doesnā€™t want that at the top of their episode? Come onā€¦

So much better than what I say, goshā€¦

[laughs] Sorry, Fastly, sorry, Linode, but you canā€™t beat BMC right at the top. [jingle 00:31:29.19] Thatā€™s worth the price of admission right there, isnā€™t it?

I mean, take my money.

Shut up and take my money.

I do appreciate the tweet youā€™ve put out recentlyā€¦ Maybe it was a DM, or I think it was a tweetā€¦ The partner pre-roll, which is what weā€™ve called it - the way itā€™s burned into your earholes (or whatever term you came up with) was a feature, not a bug. I really appreciate that, because thatā€™s the truth. Itā€™s not meant to be annoying, but itā€™s meant to be memorable, and thatā€™s why it really hasnā€™t changed.

Weā€™ve thought about changing it, but weā€™ve never changed it. We thought about getting different voices to say the same thingā€¦

[32:08] Yeah, and I think those are all still great ideas. I donā€™t not welcome a change of just my voice up there saying itā€¦ Because as a listener of our own shows, it kind of bothers me sometimes, tooā€¦


So I might be a ++ subscriber just for that reason. Just to get rid of me.

[laughs] Right. Well, we have introduced the cold opens lately, which have been an almost unadulterated success. Weā€™ve had one person that was super-confused by the cold opens, because theyā€™re like ā€œIs this the middle of the show? Whatā€™s going on?!ā€ and then the show went on and the pre-roll would come in.

Right. Itā€™s funny, as I was looking at my to-do list here recently, because I was going back in my retrospectives - itā€™s literally right here, March 11th: ā€œIdeas. Cold opens for the podcastā€, and then thereā€™s a checkmark next to it, because itā€™s been done.

Yeah. Boom.

I mean, I think theyā€™re a great success. I enjoy opening up to ā€“ we call it ā€œtime to content.ā€ I donā€™t know if anybody else is getting as geeky as weā€™ve gotten with these things, butā€¦

Probably not.

Several years ago Iā€™m like ā€œDude, our time to content is just terrible.ā€ I want the sponsors, we have these necessary ā€“ I donā€™t wanna call them evils, because theyā€™re not evils, but these necessary things to sustain and to buildā€¦ This is a business. We have families, you know?


We have employees even, for a lack of better terms, that are full-time. We have people who rely upon this thing to be successful and sustainable, so there are choices we have to makeā€¦ But the time to content thing was like ā€œThe faster we can get time to content, thatā€™s the best thing.ā€ So the cold opens have been really great on that front.

They bring out a poignant moment, or a funny moment, or just something that brings the show into theme right away. Instant value. The first 20 seconds - boom. Value. Done.

I love them.

So Changelog++ subscribers - of course, youā€™ll still get the cold open; itā€™s just when the cold open transitions - right now we have a transition sound, which is either Coin Stab or the Press Start sound.

Yes. Or Press Select.

Or is it Press Select? Yeah, Press Select.

Itā€™s both. Itā€™s Press Start, Press Start Glitchā€¦

Thatā€™s right.

This is back more to BMC namingā€¦

Right. And hereā€™s a little Easter egg for you, which we donā€™t reveal very oftenā€¦ I did reveal it to one person via email. The Coin Stab and the Press Select is different, depending on if thereā€™s a post-show, post-outro clip. So put that one in your backpocket and think about it. But thatā€™s gone, and replacing the partner pre-roll. Youā€™ve just found a secret coin. So thatā€™s kind of excitingā€¦ I mean, itā€™s the little things; we nerd out on little thingsā€¦

ā€¦but we wanna make it kind of special. We know that weā€™re not doing too much extra. Now, in addition to the ad-free Master feed right now, with the awesome BMC intro sound, we also are experimenting with some extended episodes. So itā€™s the same exact episode, but the Changelog++ version is just a little bit longer. One or two more questions, maybe a post-show gets put inā€¦ We havenā€™t really done too much of that. Weā€™re just starting to experiment. Adamā€™s done one Founders Talk with an additional question. Of course, you had those same couple questions you ask at the end, so maybe make that a regular thing, youā€™re thinking?

Yeah, exactly. I think itā€™ll be a regular thing. So if you want those two questions, youā€™ll be a ++ subscriber. I think even on that note, Iā€™ve been a die-hard hater of walled gardens too, so take that, listener, with a grain of saltā€¦ Because Iā€™m like ā€“ itā€™s so hard to think about exclusivity with this, but there is a line to be drawnā€¦ So youā€™ll still get the same amazing value that you would normally get from the shows as they are, but weā€™ve just sort of added extra seasoning, or maybe one or two more extra days of aging, so to speakā€¦

[36:13] Youā€™re not saying youā€™re gonna release them later, youā€™re just saying theyā€™re gonna be more agedā€¦

Yeah. Itā€™s a metaphor for a little bit of extra extraness (whatever that might be) to them. And thatā€™s the value thing - itā€™s experimental for us, itā€™s us playing with it to see how that resonates on both sides. This isnā€™t like ā€œStuck. This is the way it is forever.ā€ Weā€™re just trying to make sure thereā€™s a little bit more value on that ++ side, because weā€™re asking for that dollar exchange.

When we talk about aging, one feature that some people are doing with memberships which just doesnā€™t really make sense for us, I donā€™t think, is how members get the content a day earlier, or whatever it is. I think it makes more sense for news shows, or for analysis, or stock tips - anything where itā€™s time-sensitive.

Yeah, totally.

The fact of the matter is I think most of our listeners donā€™t listen right away. Thereā€™s that group that doesā€¦ But Iā€™m actually surprised oftentimes when weā€™ll ask somebody about ā€œHey, did you hear this episode? It was a week and a half agoā€, and theyā€™re like ā€œNo, no, no. Iā€™m like three weeks backā€, you know?


And Iā€™m that way as well, when I listen to other peopleā€™s podcast - I do like it to be consistent, I like to have it ā€œOn Friday I listen to thisā€, or on the weekend the show is there, in my inboxā€¦ And thereā€™s some newsy analysis type shows that I do wanna have like right after the Apple event; I wanna hear peopleā€™s thoughts on it. But generally, I think our stuff is kind of consumed when you want to, and I just donā€™t think thatā€™s super-attractive, just putting things out for ++ early, and then delaying it for everybody else. I donā€™t knowā€¦ I guess we havenā€™t really talked about it that much, but thatā€™s my take on that one.

Yeah, itā€™s sort of give and take. I agree with you, I donā€™t think that people are listening to our feed thinking ā€“ okay, maybe prior to the pandemic, it may have been like people were chomping at the bit for more content and they were on theā€¦

On their commutes?

On the bleeding edge of our feedā€¦ But now, with less travel and things like that for people, weā€™re seeing people fall further behind on their feeds, so I donā€™t think we have that problem now.

With that said though, we did talk about - which we havenā€™t done yet, and thatā€™s not how it is currently - so weā€™re talking about what is Changelog++ todayā€¦


ā€¦we have talked about Backstage - since itā€™s already exclusive to the master feed - being a ++ thingā€¦ Not sure if that will happen, but it might happen. But more so speaking to the exclusive content, extended content. I think itā€™s more like Bonus. We wanna consider, if we do put things into ++, itā€™s more like bonus, extended, not augmented. Weā€™re not changing current to slice JS Party in the middle, for example, like ā€œOh, f you want the other half of your normal JS Party, youā€™ve gotta be a ++ subscriberā€ - we donā€™t wanna do that.

Right. Weā€™re not putting a paywall in front of our content.

Yeah. Itā€™s actually something I thought of as like we wanna optimize ā€“ and I donā€™t even know if these terms work perfectly, because I guess podcasts have always been free, but optimizing for the free listener. Letā€™s optimize to keep that same listener happy, but for the ones who decide to go ++, a little bit happier.

ā€œA little bit louder nowā€¦ā€ Yeah, itā€™s bonus.

Yeah, bonus.

Come get the bonus.

The sizzle.

Thatā€™s why we came up with the ā€œGet closer to the metal.ā€

Thatā€™s right, I like thatā€¦

I came up with that because I love saying it with JavaScript people. Like, ā€œYou know, what I like to do is use Express.js, because itā€™s closer to the metalā€, which is a hilarious sentenceā€¦

Oh, yes.

[39:54] But it is closer than what some people are doing, because Iā€™ll use meta frameworks now. NestJS basically configures Express for you. Anyways, you are closer to the metal using Express, but youā€™re nowhere near the metal. That being said, with Changelog++ one of our taglines is ā€œGet closer to the metalā€, which once I started analyzing that, I realized ā€œI feel like maybe weā€™re calling ourselves metal thenā€, and maybe thatā€™s arrogant. Are you metal?

Well, I guess I donā€™t understand the arrogant side of it, but I thinkā€“

Well, metal is cool, or like ā€œWeā€™re hardcore. Weā€™re metal, manā€¦ā€

Oh, yeahā€¦

So I figured in ā€œcloser to the metalā€, then weā€™re calling ourselves metalā€¦ You know, like two fingers in the skyā€¦

Oh yeah, weā€™re definitely metal then. For sure, one hundred percent.

[laughs] Oh, speak for yourself manā€¦ Iā€™m a nerd, through and through. Youā€™re cool, Iā€™m nerdy. Thatā€™s kind of our thingā€¦

Well, I think youā€™re a cool nerd.

ā€¦so that means get closer to Adam. Heā€™s metal.


Iā€™m just joshing with youā€¦ But a little bonus. You can get closer.

Iā€™m excited about it.

So am I. Hopefully yā€™all are excited about it as well. Since this is Backstage, this means itā€™s going out to Master feed subscribers, so you are already our corest of the core. Youā€™re the one whoā€™s interested in most of the stuff that we do, so we appreciate you for that. Weā€™d appreciate your thoughts on Changelog++, and of course weā€™d appreciate you to sign up for it, butā€¦

Tell them the pricing, manā€¦

ā€¦if itā€™s not attractive to you, if thereā€™s things that youā€™d love us to do that weā€™re not doing etc. weā€™d love to hear from you as well. Pricing? No, you came up with pricing. You tell them the pricing.

Well, for a limited time only ā€“ Iā€™m just kiddingā€¦

Itā€™s trueā€¦ Donā€™t say it like a car salesman.

Literally true, but [unintelligible 00:41:44.08] This is not meant to be salesy ā€œlimited time onlyā€, but more like a thank youā€¦ Because like Jerod just said, if youā€™re listening to this as a Master feed subscriber, we would consider you the loyalist of loyal. Youā€™re listening to all of our shows, and thatā€™s awesome, and we thank you for thatā€¦ And as a thank you, if this sounds valuable or attractive to you, rather than you paying full price ā€“ because weā€™re only telling people about this in a limited fashion; weā€™re not at the rooftops, weā€™re just talking about it on Backstage. We havenā€™t put out a blog post about it yet. Weā€™ve lightly mentioned it in our newslettersā€¦

Itā€™s a soft launch.

ā€¦and a couple of times in outros. Very lightly. So as a bonus, as a thank you, rather than paying the full $10/month, or $100/year if you wanna go yearly, weā€™re doing $6/month, or $60/year. So a 40% off thank you. That is a limited time only; that ends September 1st. We might be hard on that date, I donā€™t knowā€¦ I donā€™t have a to-do timer for that date, soā€¦ Iā€™m sure weā€™ll change it at some point, but probably September 1st sounds good to us.

Then it bumps to $10/month, or $100/month, and there you go.

$100/year, not per month.

Oh, sorry. $100/year, thank you.

Yeah. Interestingly, all but one of our earlierest of Changelog++ members have all gone yearly. All but one.

Yeah. Thatā€™s very surprising. I didnā€™t expect that.

Are you a yearly guy or a monthly guy? I tend to go monthly on people that Iā€™m supporting, because maybe Iā€™ll change my mind.

You know, I kind of resonate with the yearly, honestly. If it were me, Iā€™d probably just go yearlyā€¦ And Iā€™m thinking because of who weā€™re speaking to and who weā€™ve suggested this to so far, that kind of does make sense. Now, as we get out to the less loyal, less known, they might go monthly, because thereā€™s more risk, so to speak.

Right. They wanna check it out first.

Right. But if Iā€™m a listener, then Iā€™m like ā€œIā€™m already loving this. Iā€™ll just go yearly, because I already love it enoughā€¦ā€


And those dollars arenā€™t ā€“ theyā€™re significant, but theyā€™re not tremendous. Theyā€™re not enough to turn somebody off and be like ā€œI canā€™t afford yearly.ā€

Usually, thatā€™s a number that most people can handle. And I would say thatā€™s ā€“

People with software engineering salaries, right?

Yeah, exactly.

Yeah, I get that.

So I was surprised, because I didnā€™t expect it, but thinking about it now, I would probably have gone yearly. The cool thing is though - 30-day trial. So anybody who gives it a try - hey, guess what? Try it for 30 days, and if you donā€™t like it, dump it.

[laughs] Dump itā€¦ Drop it like a bad habit.

Thatā€™s right. Iā€™m excited about the experimentation of this though. I think itā€™s gonna be kind of fun.

We did mention BMC already, but I wanna go back into one thingā€¦ Being able to share some inspirational things to BMC. That whole back and forth custom music across all of our shows, whether theyā€™re ++ or not, is so much funā€¦ And we made the decision three (or I donā€™t know how many) years ago, or lots of years ago, to work with BMC. And as part of this, too - even more [unintelligible 00:45:11.29] weā€™ve recently gone into a deeper relationship with BMC, a more concerted monthly effort towards new musicā€¦ So there are additional costs coming into play that weā€™re just absorbing for now. Weā€™re hoping that this and other things might shake that up for usā€¦ But itā€™s been a lot of fun to work with BMC and get this custom music. None of our music can be used by anybody else. Itā€™s all exclusively licensed to us, BMC-produced, brainchild from all three of us, so to speak. Itā€™s a true creation from all three people.

Yeah. And we hope you enjoy it. Weā€™ve been cranking out new tracks and new transitions here and there. You probably hear a lot of ā€“ maybe some Metroid inspiration, maybe some Donkey Kong inspirationā€¦


Some Castlevania inspirationā€¦ Thatā€™s been awesome for me. Itā€™s because we like to keep it fresh. I get bored of the same transition music all the time.

So that has been a lot of fun, and continue to expect more of that. As we build out a catalog, weā€™ve been thinking about maybe releasing some stuff on Spotify or somewhere, where you can just go listen to the Changelogā€™s catalog of music, which would be cool, tooā€¦ Holler at us if youā€™re interested in that; weā€™re not sure if thatā€™s even worth doing, but if people are interested, it might push us over the edge.

Yeah. If youā€™re interested, say so. One of my personal goals is to go onto Spotify and see this Press Select or Youā€™ve Found a Secret Coin be played like 25,000 or 50,000 times. Thatā€™d be super-cool. I want that, so hopefully you do, too.

Changeloggy Countryā€¦

Thatā€™s right. Changylog Countryā€¦

Changylog Countryā€¦? I always call it Changeloggy in my head. I must be reading that wrong every time.

I did too, until I told Heather last night, Iā€™m like ā€œOh, itā€™s Changy-Log country.ā€

That is Changy-Log. The other one I like is Do Not Stare Directly Into The Changelog, which is a nice, ambient chill song.

ā€¦which if youā€™re listening to this right now, you already heard it, because that was the opening track to Backstage.

To Backstage, thatā€™s right.

Alright - well, youā€™ve been staring directly into the backstageā€¦ Anything else we wanna say to people before we let them go?

Thank youā€¦ Either way. If youā€™re not a ++ subscriber, no big deal.

Seriously. Keep listening the way you do. We donā€™t want you change a thing. This is only if you see value in it, if youā€™re tired of ads, if you think our ads suck, or whateverā€¦ If you just wanna get rid of that stuff, or you just wanna find ways to support usā€¦ This is not an end-all-be-all; as Jerod mentioned, itā€™s a hybrid for us, itā€™s meant to be experimental and funā€¦ So Iā€™ll just say thank you for listening, period.

Listen however you want, never change a beat. And if you find value in ++, then subscribe.

Iā€™ll also say that this is an opportunity for community, right?

So if there are things that you would like this to be, let us know, because weā€™re just shooting from the hip over here.

And having fun doing it.

Thanks for listening.


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