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2024-07-28T10:44:00Z ago

What a wonderful episode. Very insightful folks. I couldn’t prevent myself thinking that:

  1. On government regulation: It is funny that Microsoft blames the EU and its anti-monopoly rules, as allegedly it forced them to open unrestricted kernel access to third parties (opposite to Apple for example).

  2. On prevention: This type of issues were common on cloud early days and a whole industry grew around progressive delivery (feature flags, canaries, etc ). Crowdstrike could have done way way better. I believe they mentioned they would adopt these practices from now on.

  3. On thin clients: Thin clients already exist everywhere. Not Citrix-like but the world runs on web browsers. And for many, a web browser is all that they need. Even for engineers we are seeing more and more that tasks that used to depend on a thick app, e.g. coding, that can be done now without exiting the browser.

Needed to take those thoughts off me. Love your show!

Jerod Santo

Jerod Santo

Omaha, Nebraska

Jerod co-hosts The Changelog, crashes JS Party, and takes out the trash (his old code) once in awhile.

2024-07-29T14:35:09Z ago

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Martin đź’š

  1. Very good point!
  2. I actually thought of this a day or two after recording, wish I would’ve brought it up on the show 💯
  3. True and we did briefly mention this fact during some of the Citrix banter. It is difficult to call modern phones & laptops “thin” clients though, since they are often as (or more) capable as the server they’re sending web requests to…

2024-07-28T22:28:17Z ago

I think you guys missed the most important question…
What show was Robert Ross moshing at?? :D

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