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InfoSec, DevSec, Penetration Testing, etc.
57 episodes
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Ship It! Ship It! #94

Scoring your project’s security

2024-03-09T23:00:00Z #ops +1 🎧 6,965

Autumn and Justin are joined by Chris Swan to discuss tech industry trends like AI and sustainability, gamifying the software development process and motivating devs to write more secure code, OpenSSF Scorecards and how they offer a way to measure and improve the security and compliance of GitHub repos, the scoring system, and the security posture of a repository.

Go Time Go Time #301

Go Capture the Flag! 🚩

2024-01-31T16:30:00Z #go +2 🎧 13,038

Angelica is joined by Neil S Primmer & Benji Vesterby to share their experience organizing “Capture the Flag” at GopherCon 2023. CTF events involve teams vying for supremacy as they strive to gather digital flags (presented as strings) and successfully submit them to the competition organizers. In essence, it’s a thrilling “scavenger hunt for nerds.” Join us as we unravel the intricacies and excitement of this unique gaming experience!

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #575

Shift left, seriously.

2024-01-26T17:00:00Z #infosec +2 🎧 18,830

This week we’re going deep on security and what it takes to shift left, seriously. Adam is joined by Justin Garrison (co-host of Ship It), plus two members of the BoxyHQ team — Deepak Prabhakara, Co-founder & CEO and Schalk Neethling, Community Manager and DevRel as well as fellow Changelog Slack member.

We discuss how to shift left, the role of the developer and the burden of security, the importance of tooling, the difference between authentication and authorization, and a mindset change for when security takes place — it’s a matter of “when” not “who.”

JS Party JS Party #293

Web dev security school

2023-09-21T20:30:00Z #javascript +1 🎧 15,876

This week, we’re joined by Ron Perris, a Security Engineer at Reddit and software security enthusiast. Together, we dive into best practices and common pitfalls, covering topics from dangerous URLs to JSON injection attacks. Tune in for an educational conversation, and don’t forget to bring your notebooks!

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #557

Attack of the Canaries!

2023-09-13T22:00:00Z #infosec +1 🎧 22,842

This week we’re joined by Haroon Meer from Thinkst — the makers of Canary and Canary Tokens. Haroon walks us through a network getting compromised, what it takes to deploy a Canary on your network, how they maintain low false-positive numbers, their thoughts and principles on building their business (major wisdom shared!), and how a Canary helps surface network attacks in real time.

JS Party JS Party #282

The massive bug at the heart of npm

2023-07-07T16:30:00Z #javascript +3 🎧 16,758

Darcy Clarke, former GitHub Staff Engineering Manager and founder of vlt, joins us to discuss a major bug in the npm ecosystem that he recently disclosed. We cover the bug’s timeline, nuances, and impact, all while setting some important context on npm packages, clients, and registries. Tune in to learn how to protect your codebase and gain a deeper understanding of this crucial part of the JavaScript ecosystem.

JS Party JS Party #272

Making "safe npm"

2023-04-21T17:15:00Z #javascript +2 🎧 16,544

Feross and his team at Socket recently shipped a wrapper library for the ubiquitous npm package manager’s command-line interface that brings enhanced security when you need it most: before executing any code

Bradly Farias lead this effort, so Jerod & Chris invited him on the show to learn all about it.

Practical AI Practical AI #201

Protecting us with the Database of Evil

2022-11-16T17:20:00Z #ai +3 🎧 20,669

Online platforms and their users are susceptible to a barrage of threats – from disinformation to extremism to terror. Daniel and Chris chat with Matar Haller, VP of Data at ActiveFence, a leader in identifying online harm – is using a combination of AI technology and leading subject matter experts to provide Trust & Safety teams with precise, real-time data, in-depth intelligence, and automated tools to protect users and ensure safe online experiences.

Ship It! Ship It! #76

Container base images with glibc & musl

2022-10-27T14:30:00Z #ops +2 🎧 7,792

In today’s episode, we talk about distroless, ko, apko, melange, musl and glibc. The context is Wolfi OS, a community Linux OS designed for the container and cloud-native era. If you are looking for the lightest possible container base image with 0 CVEs and both glibc and musl support, Wolfi OS & the related chainguard-images are worth checking out.

Ariadne Conill is an Alpine Linux TSC member & Software Engineer at Chainguard.

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