Go Time – Episode #318

How things get done on the Go Team

with Cameron Balahan, Sameer Ajmani & Russ Cox

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Angelica is joined by Cameron Balahan, Sameer Ajmani & Russ Cox from the Go Team at Google to talk about how things get done on the Go Team, how do they decide what to improve and then how do they go about improving it. We also discuss how they decide what to work when & what the future of Go might look like.



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1 00:00 It's Go Time!
2 00:41 Sponsor: Neo4j
3 01:42 Meet the guests
4 03:05 Getting into Go
5 05:29 The Go team now
6 07:25 Team vs community
7 09:15 How the Go team makes decisions
8 13:59 Sponsor: Speakeasy
9 18:51 Tech lead
10 22:28 Planning ideas
11 34:45 Conflict
12 38:02 Internal conflicts
13 40:22 Product managing Go
14 44:22 Future of Go
15 52:41 Progression of Go
16 57:02 Unpopular Opinions!
17 57:21 Sameer's unpop
18 58:22 Cameron's unpop
19 59:45 Russ' unpop
20 1:00:46 Getting involved
21 1:01:40 Outro


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