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Angelica Hill

New York, New York · Twitter · GitHub · LinkedIn
31 episodes

Go Time Go Time #318

How things get done on the Go Team

2024-06-12T14:45:00Z #go +1 🎧 11,452

Angelica is joined by Cameron Balahan, Sameer Ajmani & Russ Cox from the Go Team at Google to talk about how things get done on the Go Team, how do they decide what to improve and then how do they go about improving it. We also discuss how they decide what to work when & what the future of Go might look like.

Go Time Go Time #301

Go Capture the Flag! 🚩

2024-01-31T16:30:00Z #go +2 🎧 13,038

Angelica is joined by Neil S Primmer & Benji Vesterby to share their experience organizing “Capture the Flag” at GopherCon 2023. CTF events involve teams vying for supremacy as they strive to gather digital flags (presented as strings) and successfully submit them to the competition organizers. In essence, it’s a thrilling “scavenger hunt for nerds.” Join us as we unravel the intricacies and excitement of this unique gaming experience!

Go Time Go Time #300

300 multiple choices

2024-01-23T21:30:00Z #go 🎧 12,964

Over the past 8 years, Go Time has published 300 episodes! In this episode, the panel discusses which ones they loved the most, some current stuff that’s in the works, what struggles the podcast has had & what we’re planning for the future.

Go Time Go Time #297

Event-driven systems & architecture

2023-11-14T22:05:00Z #go +1 🎧 28,258

Event-driven systems may not be the go-to solution for everyone because of the challenges they can add. While the system reacting to events published in other parts of the system seem elegant, some of the complexities they bring can be challenging. However, they do offer durability, autonomy & flexibility.

In this episode, we’ll define event-driven architecture, discuss the problems it solves, challenges it poses & potential solutions.

Go Time Go Time #280

Wait for it...

2023-06-13T20:30:00Z #go +1 🎧 14,865

Our guests helped create a ML pipeline that enabled image processing and automated image comparisons, enabling healthcare use cases through their series of microservices that automatically detect, manage, and process images received from OEM equipment.

In this episode they will chat through the challenges and how they overcame them, focusing specifically on the wait strategy for their ML Pipeline Healthcare Solution microservices. We’ll also touch on how improvements were made to an open source Go package as part of this project.

Go Time Go Time #276

HallwayConf! A new style of conference

2023-05-12T12:45:00Z #go +1 🎧 14,647

Conferences are an integral part of the Go community, but the experience of conferences has remained the same even as the value propositions change. In this episode we discuss what conferences generally provide, how value propositions have changed, and what changes conference organizers could make to realign their conference experience to a new set of value propositions.

Go Time Go Time #263

Who owns our code? Part 2

2023-01-19T22:00:00Z #go +2 🎧 16,948

Tech lawyer Luis Villa returns to Go Time to school us once again on the intellectual property concerns of software creators in this crazy day we live in. This time around, we’re focusing on the implications of Large Language Models, code generation, and crazy stuff like that.

Go Time Go Time #248

Engineering interview tips & tricks

2022-09-22T17:20:00Z #career +1
🎧 19,967

In this episode, we will be exploring interviewing as a Software Engineer. Tips, tricks, and gotchas, as well as potentially some interviewing horror stories and red flags to avoid at all costs. We’re joined by Emma Draper, Engineering Manager at the New York Times based in Arizona, and Kate Jonas, goes by Jonas, Technical Enablement Manager at Datadog based in Denver.

Go Time Go Time #247

Stay agile out there

2022-09-15T16:15:00Z #go +1 🎧 18,034

Inbal Cohen, Product expert and Agile evangelist, joins Natalie & Angelica for a conversation about all things Agile. Inbal lays out some agile tips for Go devs, discusses if and how remote work changes things, describes some downsides of the methodology, and more.

Go Time Go Time #245

Inside GopherCon

2022-09-01T16:00:00Z #go +1 🎧 17,153

Ever wondered how GopherCon came to be, and how it’s put together every year. In this show we will be chatted with Erik St. Martin, who has been there from the start about how GopherCon came to be, how this year’s conference came together, as well as why events like GopherCon as so great!

We are joined by Erik St. Martin, GopherCon Organizer and Co-Author Go in Action.

Go Time Go Time #244

The art of the PR: Part 2

2022-08-27T16:00:00Z #go +2 🎧 16,922

In this episode, we’ll be further exploring PRs. Check out The art of the PR: Part 1 if you haven’t yet. What is it that makes a PR a good PR? How do you consider PRs in an open source repo? How do you vet contributions from people who aren’t a part of the repository? How does giving feedback and encouragement fit in to the PR process? We’ll be debating the details, and trying to help our fellow gophers perfect the art of the PR. We are joined by the awesome Anderson Queiroz, hosted by Natalie Pistunovich & Angelica Hill.

Go Time Go Time #243

The art of the PR: Part 1

2022-08-18T16:05:00Z #go +2 🎧 20,131

In this episode, we will be exploring PRs. What makes a good PR? How do you give the best PR review? Is there such thing as too small, or big of a PR? We’ll be debating the details, and trying to help our fellow gophers perfect the art of the PR. We are joined by three wonderful guests Jeff Hernandez, Sarah Duncan, and Natasha Dykes. Hosted by Angelica Hill & Natalie Pistunovich.

Go Time Go Time #212

Go beyond work

2022-01-13T17:30:00Z #go 🎧 20,623

Our final installment from GopherCon 2021 is an awesome panel conversation led by Natalie & Angelica with guests Linus Lee, Daniela Patruzalek, and Sebastian Spank. All three of these gophers are using Go in cool and interesting ways outside of traditional work projects.

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