You should have a personal web site ↦
Mark Christian, being 💯% accurate:
Hello! This is my personal web site. It’s not much, but it’s mine. After nearly a decade of just barely existing, I’ve spent quite a bit of time in 2019 trying to breathe new life into it. At this point, I think just about everyone–but especially folks in the software engineering universe–should have a personal web site of their own. Let me tell you why.
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Jerod Santo
Bennington, Nebraska
Jerod co-hosts The Changelog, crashes JS Party & takes out the trash (his old code) once in awhile.
2019-05-04T02:06:12Z ago
Preach! Notice the part where he says:
Every day someone submits an article they’ve written on Medium or and it makes me sad. Not because those platforms are bad, per se, but because you’d do better to own your work in its entirety on property that YOU control.
(IMHO Medium is a bad place to be and is a good place to be. Right now.)
Our practice for Changelog posts is we publish them here first and then after a time delay we syndicate them to social platforms and make sure the canonical URL points back to us.
For our guest authors (email to pitch us a guest post idea) we do a similar process where we ask for time-boxed exclusivity and then we encourage them to publish on their own site so they get to own and control their work.
Platforms come and go. You should have your own personal web site. 💯