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Beliefs, behavioral patterns, thoughts, and institutions of the developer community.
152 episodes
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Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #616

ANTHOLOGY — Packages, pledges & protocols

2024-11-06T22:30:00Z #oss +2 🎧 20,993

The hallway track at All Things Open 2024 — features Carl George, Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat for a discussion on the state of open source enterprise linux and RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux), Max Howell, creator of Homebrew and which offers rewards and recognition to open source maintainers, and Chad Whitacre, Head of Open Source at Sentry about the launch of Open Source Pledge and their plans to helps businesses and orgs to do the right thing and support open source.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #614

Elasticsearch is open source, again

2024-10-24T15:00:00Z #startups +2 🎧 20,587

Shay Banon, the creator of Elasticsearch, joins us to discuss pulling off a reverse rug pull. Yes, Elasticsearch is open source, again! We discuss the complexities surrounding open source licensing and what made Elastic change their license, the implications of trademark law, the personal and business impact of moving away from open source, and ultimately what made them hit rewind and return to open source.

Changelog & Friends Changelog & Friends #64

Developer (un)happiness

2024-10-04T19:00:00Z #culture 🎧 24,433

Abi Noda, co-founder and CEO at DX, joins the show to talk through data shared from the Stack Overflow 2024 Developer Survey, why devs are really unhappy, and what they’re doing at DX to help orgs and teams to understand the metrics behind their developer’s happiness and productivity.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #603

Into the Bobiverse

2024-08-07T20:30:00Z #culture 🎧 30,811

Dennis E. Taylor joins the show to take us “Into the Bobiverse” and other books he’s written. Dennis shares the backstory on how he went from programmer to author/writer and creator of Audible’s Best Science Fiction Book of 2016, his process for iterating and developing the story as he writes, plans for a Bobiverse movie, and what’s next in book 5 coming out in September 2024.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #598

Code review anxiety

2024-07-03T15:00:00Z #brain-science +2 🎧 17,631

Carol Lee (Clinical Scientist) shares her research on code review anxiety. We dive deep into her recent research paper “Understanding and Effectively Mitigating Code Review Anxiety”. We get into all the nooks and crannies of this topic — common code review myths, strategies for coping, the need for awareness and self-reflection, the value of exposure and practice to build confidence, the importance of team dynamics, respect, empathy, and connection, and more. This show is jam-packed with goodies for everyone…and we even give a nod to the work we did on our podcast Brain Science.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #597


2024-06-26T14:30:00Z #tooling +1 🎧 17,980

Predrag Gruevski and Chris Krycho joined the show to talk about SemVer. We explore the challenges and the advantages of semantic versioning (aka SemVer), the need for improving the tooling around SemVer, where semantic versioning really shines and where it’s needed, Types and SemVer, whether or not there’s a better way, and why it’s not as simple as just opting out.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #593

Microsoft is all-in on AI: Part 1

2024-05-30T12:30:00Z #microsoft +2 🎧 18,069

Scott Guthrie joins the show this week from Microsoft Build 2024 to discuss Microsoft being all-in on AI. From Copilot, to Azure AI and Prompty, to their developer first focus, leading GitHub, VS Code being the long bet that paid off, to the future of a doctor’s bedside manner assisted with AI. Microsoft is all-in on AI and Build 2024’s discussions and announcements proves it.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #590

Good timing makes great products

2024-05-08T12:30:00Z #culture +1 🎧 16,711

Paul Orlando is back to talk about his book titled “Why Now?” You may remember Paul from his last appearance (a fan favorite) talking with Jerod about complex systems & second-order effects. Paul’s book, “Why Now?” explores the concept of timing and the importance of understanding the ‘why now’ in business and product development. We discuss timing examples from the book that were either too early or too late (such as the first video phone and car phones), the need to consider both technological advancements and user demand when assessing timing, the significance of timing in the success of companies like Apple and the launch of the iPhone, Uber and Heroku, and more. Also, join our Slack community for a chance to get a signed copy of Paul’s book.

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