How runs on AWS, & GCP
Few genuinely need a multi-cloud setup. There is plenty of advice out there which mostly boils down to don’t do it, you will be worse off. is a startup that provides APIs for video and audio streaming. The hard part is real-time combined with massive scale - think hundreds of thousands of concurrent connections. They achieve this by using a combination of, AWS and GCP. Jason Carter, founder of Vex Communications, is joining us today to talk about the multi-cloud setup that runs.
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André Passos
2022-11-18T12:34:21Z ago
Hi Gerhard,
Really nice topics on this podcast. Keep up with the good job.
At the company that I work for we are also doing something really cool stuff with a lot of Virtual Machines. At this moment we spin up about 1 Million CPUs per week. Basically we do a lot of testing using VMs and we created a platform to speed up the CI pipelines using GCP.
You can check this article:
Let me know if you are interested. Really nice lesson learned. For instance we started with k8s and then moved to serverless.
Regards, André
Gerhard Lazu
Make it work. Keep improving.
2022-11-18T19:09:22Z ago
Hi André, I am intrigued. Email coming up 👍