Batman: Fighting crime and kicking apps
Batman.js from Shopify is an extremely slick looking framework for building single page apps in Node.js.
Batman lets you define observable events on your objects via the @event
class Gadget extends Batman.Object
constructor: -> @usesLeft = 5
use: @event (times) ->
return false unless (@usesLeft - times) >= 0
@usesLeft -= times
You can then observe changes to properties in this way.
gadget.observe 'name', (newVal, oldVal) ->
console.log "name changed from #{oldVal} to #{newVal}!"
gadget.set 'name', 'Batarang'
# console output: "name changed from undefined to Batarang!"
Custom accessors also make working with object properties a lot nicer:
class Person extends Batman.Object
constructor: (name) -> @set 'name', name
@accessor 'name',
get: (key) -> [@get('firstName'), @get('lastName')].join(' ')
set: (key, val) ->
[first, last] = val.split(' ')
@set 'firstName', first
@set 'lastName', last
unset: (key) ->
@unset 'firstName'
@unset 'lastName'
Be sure and check out the well done project site and source code for details.
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