Adam Stacoviak

Twitter Bootstrap - HTML, CSS, and JS toolkit from Twitter

If you haven’t heard, Twitter Bootstrap is now 2.0.

Bootstrap, from Twitter

If you’re updating from an earlier release, check out the upgrading to Bootstrap 2 docs, or if you are brand new to Bootstrap or you just want to see some examples, take a peek at the examples page.

Also, they seem to be linking to an “unofficial” Tumblr for bootstrap - which could prove helpful in keeping up to date with all the movement and momentum this project has seen.

Be sure to checkout the source on GitHub and readme for additional details. Oh, and follow Bootstrap on Twitter (@TwBootstrap) … how meta.

Is there a Sass Port?

For those of you who are DYING to see an official Sass port, check out this Tweet thread with Mark Otto, Levi Figueira, Bryan Veloso and our sister site The Sass Way - it seems that Mark agrees that we need an official Sass port, saying “At this point I feel like we need to designate an official Sass port though in some way.”

If you’ve been a fan of the show for any length of time, you know that Sass is music to our ears.


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