What are you thinking?
Mireille and Adam discuss the role of our thoughts, how they run our lives, and how they make us feel. We talk through alternative ways to think, the power we hold in starving our habitual neural networks, and the ways our thoughts help us to be our best selves. How aware are you of the quality of the soil of your mind?
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Ronald Martin
Vernon B.C. Canada
Retired Chemical Technologist
2020-07-09T23:11:25Z ago
Hi Dr. Reece and Adam Stacoviak. I listened to your brain can change and the on to cognitive “mis or mal” behaviour🙂. Your brain can change was an evolutionary way of describing the way I process information. Sorry Adam, don’t want to sound like a computer, but it is amazing the similarities. Trying to maneuver or deal with a crack or flaw in our foundation, as the good Dr. Reece describes, is like a “glitch” in a computer caused by some “Malfunctioning “ component. The complexities of the mind obviously make malfunctioning behaviour much more complex, but I’m sure we are heading in the right direction, if we can benifit what we learn from research like Dr. Reece is pursuing. Talk about camping out.. It has been a belief of mine as well that we advance, humanitarian wise.
Mireille Reece, PsyD
2020-07-10T16:23:24Z ago
Cheers right back! I’m glad that you paused with the “pain” and referenced back–continue to keep us posted and let us know if there are other topics and reflections you’d like to learn more about.