Changelog & Friends – Episode #61

Reverse rug pull, so cool?

with Adam & Jerod


All Episodes

Jerod & Adam share our Zulip first impressions, react to Elasticsearch going open source (again), discuss Christian Hollinger’s blog post on why he still self-hosts & answer a listener question: how do we produce podcasts?



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Notes & Links

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1 00:00 Let's talk! 00:38
2 00:38 Sponsor: Sentry 01:42
3 02:20 Robots & Friends 01:51
4 04:11 Stranger than (non) Fiction 01:15
5 05:26 All Things Open 2024 01:37
6 07:03 How to hug Adam 00:52
7 07:56 Zulip first impressions 10:34
8 18:30 The reverse rug pull 07:19
9 25:49 Sponsor: Paragon 03:26
10 29:15 Why I still self-host my servers 15:24
11 44:38 How we podcast (Adam flex version) 06:15
12 50:53 Sponsor: 02:18
13 53:11 Sponsor: Test Double 03:05
14 56:16 How we podcast (Jerod direct version) 03:07
15 59:24 How we Audition 03:00
16 1:02:23 How we chapter 06:44
17 1:09:07 How we chapter (Jerod flex version) 03:45
18 1:12:52 Adam's Overcast chapter plea 01:09
19 1:14:01 A JS Party chapter story, Nick 01:31
20 1:15:32 Random access FTW 01:57
21 1:17:28 A little Kaizen session 02:39
22 1:20:08 Thank you for caring! 02:23
23 1:22:30 Coming soon 01:29
24 1:23:59 Next week on The Changelog 01:51


⏰ Coming Soon


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