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46 episodes
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Changelog & Friends Changelog & Friends #29

You have how many open tabs?!

2024-02-04T22:25:00Z #conferences 🎧 17,204

We’re taking you to the hallway track at THAT Conference in Austin TX, where we have 3 fun conversations: one with our old friend Nick Nisi from JS Party, one with our new(ish) friend Amy Dutton from CompressedFM (who has been a guest on JS Party of late) & one with our brand new friend / long-time listener Andres Pineda from the Dominican Republic.

Go Time Go Time #301

Go Capture the Flag! đźš©

2024-01-31T16:30:00Z #go +2 🎧 13,038

Angelica is joined by Neil S Primmer & Benji Vesterby to share their experience organizing “Capture the Flag” at GopherCon 2023. CTF events involve teams vying for supremacy as they strive to gather digital flags (presented as strings) and successfully submit them to the competition organizers. In essence, it’s a thrilling “scavenger hunt for nerds.” Join us as we unravel the intricacies and excitement of this unique gaming experience!

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #568

Gleaming the KubeCon

This week we’re gleaming the KubeCon. Ok, some people say CubeCon, while others say KubeCon…we talk with Solomon Hykes about all things Dagger, Tammer Saleh and James McShane about going beyond cloud native with SuperOrbital, and Steve Francis and Spencer Smith about the state of Talos Linux and what they’re working on at Sidero Labs.

Go Time Go Time #293

Experiences from GopherCon 2023

2023-10-11T16:30:00Z #go +2 🎧 15,621

The 10th GopherCon took place the last week of September and it was a blast. In this episode, we’re talking about our experiences at the conference from several different viewpoints. Angelica as a conference organizer, Johnny as an emcee and workshop instructor, Kaylyn as a speaker, and Kris as a regular attendee.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #559

Vibes from Strange Loop

2023-09-28T01:00:00Z #conferences 🎧 22,570

This week we’re taking you to the hallway track of the final Strange Loop conference. First up is AnnMarie Thomas — an engineering, business, and education professor. AnnMarie gave one of the opening keynotes titled “Playing with Engineering.” We also caught up with many first-time and multi-time attendees who shared their favorite moments from Strange Loop over the years. You’ll hear from Richard Feldman, Colin Dean, and Taylor Troesh. Last up we talk with Pokey Rule. He gave a talk about his project called Cursorless which is a spoken language for structural code editing.

Changelog++ subscribers get a super extended version of this episode which includes everything we recorded at Strange Loop. Become a Changelog++ subscriber

Go Time Go Time #284

Gophers Say! GopherCon EU 2023

2023-07-11T18:45:00Z #go +2 🎧 15,028

Our award winning worthy survey game show is back, this time Mat Ryer hosts it live on stage at GopherCon Europe 2023!

Elena Grahovac joins forces with Björn Rabenstein to battle it out with Alice Merrick & Mohammed S. Al Sahaf. Let’s see who can better guess what the GopherCon Europe gophers had to say!

Go Time Go Time #276

HallwayConf! A new style of conference

2023-05-12T12:45:00Z #go +1 🎧 14,647

Conferences are an integral part of the Go community, but the experience of conferences has remained the same even as the value propositions change. In this episode we discuss what conferences generally provide, how value propositions have changed, and what changes conference organizers could make to realign their conference experience to a new set of value propositions.

Go Time Go Time #274

Diversity at conferences

2023-04-27T16:45:00Z #go +1 🎧 14,707

Go conferences are not as diverse as we’d like them to be. There are initiatives in place to improve this situation. Among other roles, Ronna Steinberg is the Head of Diversity at GopherCon Europe. In this episode we’ll learn more about the goal, the process and the problems, and how can each one of us help make this better.

Go Time Go Time #245

Inside GopherCon

2022-09-01T16:00:00Z #go +1 🎧 17,153

Ever wondered how GopherCon came to be, and how it’s put together every year. In this show we will be chatted with Erik St. Martin, who has been there from the start about how GopherCon came to be, how this year’s conference came together, as well as why events like GopherCon as so great!

We are joined by Erik St. Martin, GopherCon Organizer and Co-Author Go in Action.

JS Party JS Party #240

Bringing the vibe

2022-08-27T21:00:00Z #javascript +2 🎧 16,223

Tejas Kumar joins Jerod & KBall for a wide-ranging convo about React Suspense, human skills, and the four pillars of impact for web engineers. We also discuss the news in “Story of the Week” and give a few quick shout outs to a must-read book and a great new publishing platform for lead devs.

Join Tejas at React Brussels on October 14, 2022! Get 30% off your ticket when you use code JSPARTYTIME at checkout and follow @JSPartyFM on Twitter for giveaway details.

Go Time Go Time #241

Gophers Say! GopherCon EU Edition

2022-08-04T16:15:00Z #go +2 🎧 16,861

Our award winning worthy survey game show is back, this time Mat Ryer hosts it live on stage at GopherCon Europe 2022!

Go Time’s Natalie Pistunovich joins forces with Ronna Steinberg & Robert Burke to battle it out with V Körbes, Tamir Bahar & Konrad Richie. Let’s see who can better guess what the GopherCon Europe gophers had to say!

Go Time Go Time #233

Going through the news

2022-06-09T21:15:00Z #go +1 🎧 19,466

We’re trying something new this week: discussing the news! Natalie, Kris & Ian weigh in on GopherCon’s move to Chicago, Google DDoSing SourceHut, reflections on Go’s success, and a new/old proposal for anonymous function syntax.

Ship It! Ship It! #52

Priyanka's Happy Hour (KubeCon EU 2022)

2022-05-11T15:30:00Z #kubernetes +1 🎧 6,543

Today we talk to Priyanka Sharma (E.D. at the Cloud Native Computing Foundation) about all things KubeCon Europe 2022. We start with Gerhard’s favourite subject - Priyanka’s Happy Hour - and then we switch focus to the conference.

For many, this will be the first in-person KubeCon since 2019. As for Gerhard, he is not sure that he remember how airports work. If he succeeds, he looks forward to meeting some of you in Valencia. If not, send help.

Ship It! Ship It! #26

Gerhard at KubeCon NA 2021: Part 2

In the second set of interviews from KubeCon North America 2021, Gerhard and Liz Rice talk about eBPF superpowers - Cilium + Hubble - and what’s it like to work with Duffie Cooley.

Jared Watts shares the story behind Crossplane reaching incubating status, and Dan Mangum tells us what it was like to be at this KubeCon in person. Dan’s new COO role (read Click Ops Officer) comes up.

David Ansari from VMware speaks about his first KubeCon experience both as an attendee and as a speaker. The RabbitMQ Deep Dive talk that he gave will be a nice surprise if you watch it - link in the show notes.

Dan Lorenc brings his unique perspective on supply chain security, and tells us about the new company that he co-founded, Chainguard. How to secure container images gets covered, as well as one of the easter eggs that Scott Nichols put in

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