Go Time – Episode #320

Gophers Say! GopherCon EU Berlin 2024

with Cameron + Chioma + Ron vs Johnny + Travis + Paula

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Our award winning worthy survey game show is back, this time Mat Ryer hosts it live on stage at GopherCon EU Berlin 2024! Join in & play along as we see which team can better guess what these GopherCon gophers had to say!



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1 00:00 It's Go Time!
2 00:47 Sponsor: Speakeasy
3 05:40 Intro
4 08:31 Round 1: First Go function
5 11:39 Round 2: Favorite coding website
6 17:09 Round 3: Beverage of choice while coding
7 23:07 Round 4: First Go keyword
8 32:01 Round 5: Software development makes me
9 34:18 Round 6: I couldn't code without
10 38:59 The winners!
11 39:31 Outro


⏰ Coming Soon


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