Go Time – Episode #331

How I lost my (old) job to AI

with Sharon DiOrio, Steven Pyle & Kent Quirk

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In this follow-up to episode #306, β€œHow soon until AI takes my job?”, the gang of (grumpy?) veteran software engineers candidly chat about how their day to day is changing in the midst of improving AI tooling & hype.



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1 00:00 It's Go Time! 00:45
2 00:45 Sponsor: Coder.com 03:14
3 04:00 Meet the guests 14:04
4 18:04 SSI 07:18
5 25:21 A good use for AI 06:54
6 32:16 Sponsor: Fly.io 03:06
7 35:22 Copilot is getting better 03:48
8 39:10 What if AI worked? 06:22
9 45:32 AI verification 11:46
10 57:18 Oracle 01:37
11 58:55 Sponsor: JetBrains 03:18
12 1:02:13 The AI is racist? 05:28
13 1:07:41 Unpopular Opinions! 00:34
14 1:08:14 Sharon's unpop 00:55
15 1:09:09 Kent's unpop 01:25
16 1:10:34 Steve's unpop 03:10
17 1:13:45 Johnny's unpop 03:12
18 1:16:57 Outro 01:20


⏰ Coming Soon


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