Yehuda Katz joined the show to talk about JSON.API — where the spec came from, who’s involved, compliance, API design, the future, and more. We also finally got Yehuda on the show alone, so we were able to talk with him about his origins, how he got started as a programmer, and his thoughts on struggle vs aptitude.
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Notes & Links
- asm.js - A low-level, extraordinarily optimizable subset of JavaScript
- JSON API — A specification for building APIs in JSON
- Rails: The Next Five Years by Yehuda Katz @ RailsConf 2012
- JSON API: Convention Driven API Design by Steve Klabnik @ APIdays Paris 2013
- New JSON API Specification Aims to Speed API Development
- Building a modern bridge between Ember 2.0 and Rails 5 with JSON API
- The Changelog #42: Rails 3.1 and SproutCore with Yehuda Katz
- The Changelog #56: Vim with Drew Neil, Tim Pope, and Yehuda Katz
- The Changelog #131: The Road to Ember 2.0 with Tom Dale and Yehuda Katz
- The Changelog #151: Rust with Steve Klabnik and Yehuda Katz
- Ember Data v1.13 Released
- Is Ember Fast Yet?
- The Future of the Client-Side Web by Yehuda Katz
- Thor Homepage
- The Law of Leaky Abstractions, by Joel Spolsky
- The NoTCP Manifesto
- A recent tweet stream from Yehuda about his origins…