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Yehuda Katz

Website · GitHub · X
6 episodes

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #363

Nushell for the GitHub era

2019-09-27T19:00:00Z #oss +2 🎧 26,991

Jonathan Turner, Andrés Robalino, and Yehuda Katz joined the show to talk about Nushell, or just Nu for short. It’s a modern shell for the GitHub era. It’s written in Rust, and it has the backing of some of the greatest minds in open source. We talk through what it is, how it works and cool things you can do with it, why Rust, ideas for the future, and ways for the community to get involved and contribute.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #189

JSON API and API Design

2016-01-01T07:30:00Z 🎧 52,996

Yehuda Katz joined the show to talk about JSON.API — where the spec came from, who’s involved, compliance, API design, the future, and more. We also finally got Yehuda on the show alone, so we were able to talk with him about his origins, how he got started as a programmer, and his thoughts on struggle vs aptitude.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #151

The Rust Programming Language

2015-04-11T21:00:00Z #rust 🎧 53,166

Steve Klabnik and Yehuda Katz joined the show to talk about the Rust Programming Language, a systems programming language from Mozilla Research. We covered memory safety without garbage collection, security, the Rust 1.0 Beta, getting started with Rust, and we even hypothesize about the future of the Rust.

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