Changelog Interviews

Next Level

Take this on your next coding adventure

All Episodes

Listen to our Next Level album as a podcast! We grew up in the days of the Nintendo Entertainment System and the Sega Genesis. It’s no surprise that so many of our tracks are inspired by the 8-bit and 16-bit music of our youth. From Castlevania to Contra, Sonic the Hedgehog, and many more — we were inspired by all the nostalgic soundtracks from the games that got us here, to give our pods one-of-a-kind vibes. If you’ve been head nodding to our beats during our shows and you’ve been wishing for a way to listen outside of our pods, then this release will be an absolute delight.

It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this on your next coding adventure or deep work session…


Notes & Links

📝 Edit Notes


1 00:00 Cartridge Intro 00:26
2 00:26 Dracula's Purse 02:14
3 02:40 Hasslemania 02:04
4 04:44 Forest Bike Race 01:45
5 06:29 Blood Moon 02:20
6 08:49 Purple Sword Castle 01:58
7 10:47 Contraband Theme 01:41
8 12:29 Contraband 2 Theme 01:37
9 14:06 Cattle of the Holy 01:30
10 15:36 Pregga Man 2 (Log Man Stage) 02:02
11 17:38 Pregga Man 2 (Burnout Man Stage) 02:02
12 19:40 Batma'am Rises 00:51
13 20:31 Circular Stairwell Speedrun 01:56
14 22:27 Changey Log Country 02:00
15 24:27 Monkeycoin Mining 01:20
16 25:47 Thickerbush Symphony 01:40
17 27:27 Running Free 02:48
18 30:15 Saturday Morning Nintendo 00:36
19 30:51 Cloud Tortoise 01:46
20 32:37 Mountain Battle 02:04
21 34:41 Yoshi's Prefecture 01:06
22 35:47 Amethyst Log Zone 01:59
23 37:47 Dunky Kong 00:40
24 38:27 Q_bit 01:48
25 40:15 The Donk 01:45


⏰ Coming Soon


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