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Frank Krueger

Frank has been an independent iOS app developer since 2008. Around 2010, his business stopped losing money thanks to his app “iCircuit” a realtime circuit designer and simulator made for students. That app and his other apps that start with a “C” (Calca, Continuous, iCircuit 3D) enable Frank to sustainably live off of AppStore sales. Prior to iOS, he designed and built control systems for naval ships, did the web dev thing, worked at Microsoft on the glorious Windows Vista, helped build a telecom, hacked video games, and learned a lot of what he knows at an R&D department at General Motors instead of going to high school. As a big fan of OSS, Frank maintains a variety of projects on GitHub used by thousands of developers.

Seattle, WA · Website · GitHub · X
1 episode

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #486

Practical ways to solve hard problems

2022-04-22T22:00:00Z #oss +1 🎧 45,275

Frank Krueger joined us to talk about solving hard problems. Earlier this year he wrote a blog post titled “Practical Guide to Solving Hard Problems,” and a lot of what he had to say really resonated with us. The premise is simple — if you have to write some code that you’re just not sure how to write…what do you do? What are the practical steps that you can take when you’re feeling stumped? Today’s show goes deep on that subject…practical ways to solve hard problems and ship your best work.

Frank has his own podcast called Merge Conflict — check it out at

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