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Samantha Coyle

Samantha Coyle is a Software Engineer at Diagrid where she develops Go microservices and enables developers to run high scale, modern applications using open-source technology. She has a history of developing computer vision based containerized applications and Go microservices for industrial applications at the edge. She obtained her CKAD certificate in 2021 depicting her knowledge and interest in distributed workload, dedicates time to technical reviewing Go textbooks, and is passionate about empowering early career & diverse professionals. Samantha is part of a family of gophers, where she enjoys attending GopherCon with her older brother, Ethan - the OG Gopher of the family, and her identical twin sister, Cassandra - the other Gopher in the family. Her favorite conference experience thus far has been presenting on the main stage at GopherCon 2022 on a Pioneering Journey Through Integration Testing with Go.

2 episodes

Go Time Go Time #280

Wait for it...

2023-06-13T20:30:00Z #go +1 🎧 15,003

Our guests helped create a ML pipeline that enabled image processing and automated image comparisons, enabling healthcare use cases through their series of microservices that automatically detect, manage, and process images received from OEM equipment.

In this episode they will chat through the challenges and how they overcame them, focusing specifically on the wait strategy for their ML Pipeline Healthcare Solution microservices. We’ll also touch on how improvements were made to an open source Go package as part of this project.

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