Request For Commits

Request For Commits Artwork

Request For Commits explored different perspectives in open source sustainability

This podcast is not in production. Please browse and enjoy the archive below.

Request For Commits Request For Commits #12

Crowdfunding Open Source (Vue.js)

2017-06-15T15:00:00Z #javascript 🎧 5,057

Evan You joined the show to talk about his work on Vue.js. We learn how Evan found users and got Vue.js off the ground, the details behind their crowdfunding on Patreon, whether or not crowdfunding is a viable method of sustaining open source, finding balance in life and work, and plans for funding beyond the Patreon campaign.

Request For Commits Request For Commits #11

Funding the Web

2016-11-22T14:15:00Z 🎧 6,553

Brendan Eich, founder of Brave and creator of JavaScript, joined the show to talk about the history of the web, how it has been funded, and the backstory on the early browser wars and emerging monetization models. We also talked about why big problems are hard to solve for the Internet and the tradeoffs between centralization and distribution.

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