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Nadia Eghbal

GitHub · X
26 episodes

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #408

Working in Public

2020-08-12T21:30:00Z #oss 🎧 24,380

Nadia Eghbal is back and this time she’s talking with us about her new book Working in Public. If you’re an old school listener you might remember the podcast we produced with Nadia and Mikeal Rogers called Request for Commits. If you weren’t listening then, or can’t remember…don’t worry…the back catalog of Request for Commits is still online and subscribe-able via all the podcast ways. That podcast is still getting listens to this very day!

Obviously we go way back with Nadia…and having a chance to now talk with her through all the details of her new book Working in Public, this was a milestone for this show and Jerod and I. We talked through the reasons she wrote the book in the first place, Nadia’s thoughts on the future of the internet and the connection of creators to the platforms they build their followings on, and we also talk about the health of projects and communities and the challenges we face internet-at-large as well as right here in our backyard in the open source community.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #290

That's it. This is the finale!

2018-03-30T19:00:00Z #sustainability +1 🎧 19,386

We’re rebroadcasting the finale episode of the beloved Request For Commits. But don’t worry, The Changelog will be back with new episodes next week. In this finale episode of Request For Commits, we regroup to discuss the podcast from its start to its finish, lessons learned, community impact, and where the conversations around open source sustainability are taking place, now and in the future. It’s the end of Request For Commits, but the conversations we’ve had will continue on The Changelog. We also have some guest-host appearances for Nadia and Mikeal planned in the near future on this podcast. So, stay tuned.

Request For Commits Request For Commits #20

Finale, thank you!

2018-03-21T15:00:00Z #sustainability +1 🎧 9,351

In this finale episode of Request For Commits – we regroup to discuss how we got here, lessons learned, community impact, and where the conversations around open source sustainability are taking place now and in the future. This might be the end of this podcast, but the conversation will continue on The Changelog. You should subscribe if you’re not already.

Request For Commits Request For Commits #15

Maintaining a Popular Project and Managing Burnout

2017-11-01T19:00:00Z 🎧 4,775

Christopher Hiller joined Nadia and Mikeal to discuss the ups and downs of maintaining Mocha - a JavaScript test framework that runs on Node.js and in the browser. Discussions included maintaining a popular project, getting funding, the challenges of having money, raising the profile of a project, focusing on the needs of a community, and managing burnout.

Request For Commits Request For Commits #13

Open source and supercomputers (Spack)

2017-07-12T14:45:00Z 🎧 4,921

Todd Gamblin – a computer scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Lab – tells Nadia and Mikeal all about bringing open source to his peers in the national labs. They discuss what it’s like to open source a project inside the government, how Todd found contributors for Spack, why he got involved with NumFOCUS, and much more.

Request For Commits Request For Commits #12

Crowdfunding Open Source (Vue.js)

2017-06-15T15:00:00Z #javascript 🎧 5,057

Evan You joined the show to talk about his work on Vue.js. We learn how Evan found users and got Vue.js off the ground, the details behind their crowdfunding on Patreon, whether or not crowdfunding is a viable method of sustaining open source, finding balance in life and work, and plans for funding beyond the Patreon campaign.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #252

GitHub's Open Source Survey (2017)

2017-06-09T22:00:00Z 🎧 20,504

On Friday, June 2, 2017 – GitHub announced the details of their Open Source Survey – an open data set on the open source community for researchers and the curious. Frannie Zlotnick, Nadia Eghbal, and Mikeal Rogers joined the show to talk through the backstory and key insights of this open data project which sheds light on the broader open source community’s attitudes, experiences, and backgrounds of those who use, build, and maintain open source software.

Request For Commits Request For Commits

BONUS – Behind the Scenes of Season 1 and 2

2016-12-22T20:00:00Z 🎧 4,423

In this special episode of Request For Commits we close out the first season with a look behind the scenes of the show. We talked about how the show was formed, who’s involved and why, how we approach producing this show, our theme music, as well as our plans and timing for season 2.

Request For Commits Request For Commits #11

Funding the Web

2016-11-22T14:15:00Z 🎧 6,553

Brendan Eich, founder of Brave and creator of JavaScript, joined the show to talk about the history of the web, how it has been funded, and the backstory on the early browser wars and emerging monetization models. We also talked about why big problems are hard to solve for the Internet and the tradeoffs between centralization and distribution.

Request For Commits Request For Commits #10

Finding New Contributors

2016-11-15T14:00:00Z 🎧 4,314

Charlotte Spencer joined the show to talk about making open source more approachable, Your First PR, helping people make their first open source contribution, attracting new contributors, and what projects can do to bring in, retain, and communicate with new people.

Request For Commits Request For Commits #9

Open source and licensing

2016-11-04T14:00:00Z 🎧 4,381

Heather Meeker joined the show to talk about open source licensing, why open source licenses are historically significant, how much developers really need to know, and how much developers think they know. We also talk about mixing commercial and open source licenses, and how lawyers keep up with an ever-changing landscape.

Request For Commits Request For Commits #8

Open Source and Business

2016-10-18T09:00:00Z 🎧 3,481

David Cramer (CEO of Sentry) and Isaac Schlueter (CEO of npm) joined the show to talk about building businesses in open source, why they decided to turn their side projects into full-time work, how they experimented with finding steady sources of revenue, raising venture capital, working with investors and with community, and different company approaches to developing open source projects.

Request For Commits Request For Commits #7

Liberal Contribution and Governance Models

2016-09-08T14:00:00Z 🎧 4,146

On today’s show Nadia and Mikeal talk with Rod Vagg, Chief Node Officer at NodeSource, about liberal contribution agreements and the underlying mechanics of liberal contribution management, how to level up casual contributors, how projects transition into a liberal contribution mindset and whether there is a place for BDFLs in the future of project governance.

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