Go Time – Episode #332

"Founder Mode" at work when you're not a founder

with Johnny, Kris & Angelica

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Tech twitter (“tech X”?) is abuzz with Paul Graham’s Founder Mode essay. How does that affect you or come into play when you’re not a founder? Does it matter at all to you, your projects & your code?



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Notes & Links

📝 Edit Notes

  • [Founder Mode]((https://paulgraham.com/foundermode.html)


1 00:00 It's Go Time! 00:46
2 00:46 Sponsor: Coder.com 03:14
3 04:00 Intro 01:48
4 05:48 Founder Mode 08:23
5 14:11 Ownership 05:26
6 19:37 Sponsor: Fly.io 03:06
7 22:43 Juniors vs seniors 04:02
8 26:45 Scoping 08:02
9 34:47 My approach to code 00:39
10 35:26 Example scenario 10:01
11 45:27 Sponsor: NordVPN 01:03
12 46:30 Unpopular Opinions! 01:05
13 47:35 Kris' unpop 02:20
14 49:55 Johnny's unpop 03:52
15 53:47 Outro 02:26


⏰ Coming Soon


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