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Richard Feldman

Author of Elm in Action. Let’s go with the ambitious approach.

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4 episodes

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #559

Vibes from Strange Loop

This week we’re taking you to the hallway track of the final Strange Loop conference. First up is AnnMarie Thomas — an engineering, business, and education professor. AnnMarie gave one of the opening keynotes titled “Playing with Engineering.” We also caught up with many first-time and multi-time attendees who shared their favorite moments from Strange Loop over the years. You’ll hear from Richard Feldman, Colin Dean, and Taylor Troesh. Last up we talk with Pokey Rule. He gave a talk about his project called Cursorless which is a spoken language for structural code editing.

Changelog++ subscribers get a super extended version of this episode which includes everything we recorded at Strange Loop. Become a Changelog++ subscriber

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #319

Keepin' up with Elm

2018-10-17T11:00:00Z #elm +1 🎧 26,214

Jerod invites Richard Feldman back on the show to catch up on all things Elm. Did you hear? NoRedInk finally had a production runtime error, the community grew quite a bit (from ‘obscure’ to just ‘niche’), and Elm 0.19 added some killer new features around asset optimization.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #191

Elm and Functional Programming

2016-01-16T02:00:00Z #javascript 🎧 46,069

Richard Feldman from NoRedInk joined the show to talk about Elm and Functional Programming. Elm labeled itself “the best of functional programming in your browser” and boasts “no runtime exceptions.” We talked about the language, whether or not it’s really faster than React, JavaScript fatigue, and the best ways to get started with Elm.

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