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Print and web magazine focused on how emerging technologies affect culture, the economy, and politics.
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Why the floppy disk just won’t die

If you thought floppy disks were a relic of the past, think again. A surprising number of industries, from embroidery to aviation, still use floppies. Jacopo Prisco tells the story in Wired:

The floppy disk may never truly die out. “There are people in the world who are still busy finding and fixing up and maintaining phonograph players from 1910, so it’s really hard for me to believe that the floppy disk is just going to utterly disappear,”…

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The clever cryptography behind Apple's 'Find My' feature

In upcoming versions of iOS and macOS, the new Find My feature will broadcast Bluetooth signals from Apple devices even when they’re offline, allowing nearby Apple devices to relay their location to the cloud… it turns out that Apple’s elaborate encryption scheme is also designed not only to prevent interlopers from identifying or tracking an iDevice from its Bluetooth signal, but also to keep Apple itself from learning device locations, even as it allows you to pinpoint yours.

WIRED with a fascinating explanation of an utterly fascinating scheme.

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