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33 episodes
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Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #598

Code review anxiety

2024-07-03T15:00:00Z #brain-science +2 🎧 17,130

Carol Lee (Clinical Scientist) shares her research on code review anxiety. We dive deep into her recent research paper “Understanding and Effectively Mitigating Code Review Anxiety”. We get into all the nooks and crannies of this topic — common code review myths, strategies for coping, the need for awareness and self-reflection, the value of exposure and practice to build confidence, the importance of team dynamics, respect, empathy, and connection, and more. This show is jam-packed with goodies for everyone…and we even give a nod to the work we did on our podcast Brain Science.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #586

Replacing Git with Git

2024-04-12T15:00:00Z #git +2 🎧 18,693

This week we’re talking to Scott Chacon, one of the co-founders of GitHub, to discuss the history and future of Git and Scott’s new project Git Butler, a branch manager tool that’s aiming to improve the developer experience of Git using Git. We also touch on the contentious topic of open source licensing and the challenges of defining “Open Source”, FSL vs GPL, and more.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #551

DX on DX

2023-08-03T21:00:00Z #dx +2 🎧 29,475

This week Adam is joined by Abi Noda, founder and CEO of DX to talk about DX AKA DevEx (or the long-form Developer Experience). Since the dawn of software development there has been this push to understand what makes software teams efficient, but more importantly what does it take to understand developer productivity? That’s what Abi has been focused on for the better part of the last 8 years of his career. He started a company called Pull Panda that was acquired by GitHub, spent a few years there on this problem before going out on his own to start DX which helps startups to the fortune 500 companies gather real insights that leads to real improvement.

JS Party JS Party #282

The massive bug at the heart of npm

2023-07-07T16:30:00Z #javascript +3 🎧 16,911

Darcy Clarke, former GitHub Staff Engineering Manager and founder of vlt, joins us to discuss a major bug in the npm ecosystem that he recently disclosed. We cover the bug’s timeline, nuances, and impact, all while setting some important context on npm packages, clients, and registries. Tune in to learn how to protect your codebase and gain a deeper understanding of this crucial part of the JavaScript ecosystem.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #518

Coming home to GitHub

2022-12-09T22:30:00Z #github +2 🎧 33,006

This week we’re joined by Christina Warren, Senior Developer Advocate at GitHub, and a true tech and pop culture connoisseur. From her days at Mashable covering the intersections of entertainment and technology, to Gizmodo, to Microsoft, and now her current role at GitHub we talk with Christina about her journey from journalist to developer, and the latest happenings coming out of GitHub Universe.

BTW, we’re planning to get Christina on Backstage in the new year to talk about Plex, MakeMKV, and all things that go into hosting your own media server. Drop a commment on this episode with a +1 if you want to see that happen.

Go Time Go Time #244

The art of the PR: Part 2

2022-08-27T16:00:00Z #go +2 🎧 17,041

In this episode, we’ll be further exploring PRs. Check out The art of the PR: Part 1 if you haven’t yet. What is it that makes a PR a good PR? How do you consider PRs in an open source repo? How do you vet contributions from people who aren’t a part of the repository? How does giving feedback and encouragement fit in to the PR process? We’ll be debating the details, and trying to help our fellow gophers perfect the art of the PR. We are joined by the awesome Anderson Queiroz, hosted by Natalie Pistunovich & Angelica Hill.

Go Time Go Time #243

The art of the PR: Part 1

2022-08-18T16:05:00Z #go +2 🎧 20,294

In this episode, we will be exploring PRs. What makes a good PR? How do you give the best PR review? Is there such thing as too small, or big of a PR? We’ll be debating the details, and trying to help our fellow gophers perfect the art of the PR. We are joined by three wonderful guests Jeff Hernandez, Sarah Duncan, and Natasha Dykes. Hosted by Angelica Hill & Natalie Pistunovich.

Founders Talk Founders Talk #90

From GitHub TV to Rewatch

2022-05-18T18:00:00Z #startups +1 🎧 7,431

Connor Sears, founder and CEO of Rewatch, joins Adam to share the journey of creating Rewatch. What began inside of GitHub to help them thrive and connect is now available to every product team on the planet. Rewatch lets teams save, manage, and search all their video content so they can collaborate async and with greater flexibility. We talk about where the tool’s inspiration came from (spoiler alert, inside GitHub it was called GitHub TV which you’ll hear during the show), how teams leverage video to reduce the constraints of communication, how Connor and his co-founder knew they had product-fit and how they grew the team and product, and of course the flip side of that — we talk about some of Connor’s failures along the way, and knowing when it’s the right time to take a big swing.

Go Time Go Time #213

AI-driven development in Go

2022-01-20T17:00:00Z #go +3 🎧 21,290

Alexey Palazhchenko joins Natalie to discuss the implications of GitHub’s Copilot on code generation. Go’s design lends itself nicely to computer generated authoring: thanks to go fmt, there’s already only one Go style. This means AI-generated code will be consistent and seamless. Its focus on simplicity & readability make it tailor made for this new approach to software creation. Where might this take us?

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #470

Returning to GitHub to lead Sponsors

2021-12-02T00:00:00Z #oss +1 🎧 39,299

Today we’re joined by Jessica Lord, talking about the origins of Electron and her boomerang back to GitHub to lead GitHub Sponsors. We cover the early days of Electron before Electron was Electron, how she advocated to turn it into a product and make it a framework, how it’s used today, why she boomeranged back to GitHub to lead Sponsors, what’s next in funding open source creators, and we attempt to answer the question “what happens to open source once it’s funded?”

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #459

Coding in the cloud with Codespaces

2021-09-11T04:00:00Z #github +2 🎧 42,399

On this special edition of The Changelog, we’re talking with Cory Wilkerson, Senior Director of Engineering at GitHub, about GitHub Codespaces. For years now, the possibility of coding in the cloud seemed so close, yet so far away for a number of reasons. According to Cory, the raw ingredients to make coding in the cloud a reality have been there for years. The challenge has really been how the industry thinks, and we are now at a place where the skepticism in cloud based workflows is “non-existent.”

After 15 months in preview, GitHub not only announced the availability of Codespaces for Teams and Enterprise — they also showcased their internal adoption, with 600 of their 1,000 engineers using it daily to develop

On this episode, Cory shares the full backstory of that journey and a peek into the future where we’re all coding in the cloud.

Founders Talk Founders Talk #79

The acquisition of a lifetime

2021-08-26T11:00:00Z #startups +1 🎧 6,842

On today’s show Adam is joined by John Nunemaker (an old friend). For some of you listening you might remember John’s appearance on The Changelog #11, which was basically forever ago. Or his company Ordered List — they made Gauges, Harmony, and Speaker Deck which was quite popular in its time — so much so that they attracted the attention of Chris Wanstrath, one of the co-founders of GitHub to acquire Ordered List. The rest as they say is history. Today, John and I go back through that history to see what it was like to be acquired by GitHub and how that single choice has forever changed his life.

Go Time Go Time #153

GitHub's Go-powered CLI

2020-10-29T16:15:00Z #go +2 🎧 16,674

In this episode we discuss Mislav’s experience building not one, but two Github CLIs - hub and gh. We dive into questions like, “What lead to the decision to completely rewrite the CLI in Go?”, “How were you testing the CLI, especially during the transition?”, and “What Go libraries are you using to build your CLI?”

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #411

Inside GitHub's Arctic Code Vault

2020-09-04T21:00:00Z #github +2 🎧 25,748

Earlier this year on February 2nd, 2020 Jon Evans and his team of archivists took a snapshot of all active public repositories on GitHub and sent it to a decommissioned coal mine in the Svalbard archipelago where it will be stored for the next 1,000 years.

On this episode, Jon chats with Jerod all about the GitHub Archive Program and how they’re preserving open source software for future generations.

Founders Talk Founders Talk #70

Leading GitLab to $100M ARR

2020-06-09T21:00:00Z #startups +2 🎧 6,750

Sid Sijbrandij is the Co-founder and CEO of GitLab — an all-remote company and complete DevOps platform. As a company, they have their eyes set on taking the company public to IPO and they’re very outspoken about their culture, open handbook, and how they work as an all-remote company. We talk through where Sid came from, the early days of GitLab, why IPO vs a private sale (like GitHub), what it means to put “family and friends first, work second,” how we should view work, and his biggest fear — the company failing.

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