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MySQL is an open source relational database management system.
3 episodes
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Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #485

The story of Vitess

2022-04-12T19:00:00Z #mysql +1 🎧 42,344

This week we’re joined by Deepthi Sigireddi, Vitess Maintainer and engineer at PlanetScale — of course we’re talking about all things Vitess. We talk about its origin inside YouTube, how Vitess handles sharding, Deepthi’s journey to Vitess maintainer, when you should begin using it, and how it fits into cloud native infra.

Founders Talk Founders Talk #85

Making the last database you’ll ever need

2022-01-14T20:00:00Z #startups +3 🎧 9,762

This week Adam is joined by Sam Lambert, CEO of PlanetScale. Now that PlanetScale is in general availability, Adam had to get Sam on the show to talk about the behind the scenes of building this database platform, how this is the last database you’ll ever need and what that means for developers, why serverless, its open source underpinnings with Vitess, and a preview of what’s to come.

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