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The JS Party crew debates things! Is it yep? Is it nope? Listen in and decide for yourself!
5 episodes
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JS Party JS Party #244

The spicy React debate show 🌶️

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2022-09-23T18:30:00Z #react +2 🎧 20,257

We’re back with another spicy YepNope debate! This time, Amelia and KBall are arguing that there’s real value to (continue) using React in 2022, while Amal and special guest (and author of the post which stemmed the whole debate) Josh Collinsworth argue that React’s time leading innovation has passed. Of course, the stance each panelist is taking is assigned ahead of time. Is that how they really feel? Tune in and find out!

JS Party JS Party #87

Should websites work without JS?

2019-08-02T16:35:18Z #javascript +2 🎧 9,865

We’re trying a brand new segment called YepNope, wherein your intrepid panelists engage in a lively debate around a premise. In this debate, Feross and KBall argue that websites should work without requiring JS and Divya and Chris say, “Nah!”

Please let us know if you like this style episode! We had fun recording it, but that doesn’t matter much if y’all don’t enjoy listening to it.

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